When one thinks about the workplace there are many things or check list items that come to mind such as, the industry, the salary, the work hours, travel time, the position, future growth and advancement. Of course, the people at work and your interaction with them are common topics that easily come to mind.

One of the less thought about aspects of the work environment is, how nice the people you work with are? and even more importantly, are there any “energy vampires” or evil people that you should avoid.

If you do find a spark of evil at work, then how do you deal with it? or even recognise its presence to give that person or persons a wide birth or even avoid them all together.

So, What Exactly is Evil?

Evil is the absence of good. It is a broad term or concept that generally refers to wickedness, causing strife or suffering and it involves unbalanced behaviours. These behavioural patterns center around anger, revenge, fear, hatred, trauma, selfishness, ignorance and neglect. I will try to expose these types of people by providing a personality checklist of traits that these kinds of people possess followed by a brief description of them. 

These traits differ with every individual so this is obviously not scientific fact, but rather one humble practitioner’s opinion. The understandings written here are based on personal life and work experience and contemplation on the topic of evil in the workplace.

Truth Outlives All Things

It is also important to remember that truth outlives any short term gains made by lying and manipulation. Someone that employ’s underhanded and subversive tactics always starts any given scenario with the advantage provided by pre-meditation and planning. So, patience and breathing deeply is a must if you want to survive a personal interaction with one of these types of people.

“Given time, we will eventually all have to deal with this type of person throughout our working carreers”    

So, evil people always have some, many or all of the following personality traits listed here below in the “Evil Energy Vampire Checklist”. 

1) Denying Reality

Evil people tend to deny the truth. Their inherent nature does not allow them to recognise what is true. They live in a state of constant denial.

2) Withholding Information

In order to have control over a situation, evil people tend to lie, hide or cherry pick facts and information. They do this to compromise the integrity of others and gain benefit for themselves.

3) Twisting Facts

Twisting fact, hiding the truth, and making people believe what they want to believe, and not what the truth is, is how evil people manipulate others. Even if the situation is bad enough, they try to make it much worse.

4) No Conscience

Evil people tend to be over everyone and be in everyone’s way. They feel satisfaction when they make someone suffer, and do not worry about it at all.

5) Telling Lies

Lying is on the top of their list of behavioural traits. They lie so much that they could be labeled as pathological liars. Lying seems like a game to them. They play this game to fool people around them. In fact, lying makes them feel pleasure.

6) They Take No Responsibility

Evil people’s moral code does not allow them to take responsibility for their actions. They like to put the blame on others for their mistakes, and they never apologise.

7) Manipulators

Be careful not to think that you are a priority to this people. As I said earlier, they are born to be manipulators and will use you for their own aims.

8) Fair Weather Friends

If you are not familiar with the phrase “fair-weather friends,” it means they are there for you when everything is good, but when things get messy, they disappear. So, evil people have no idea about the meaning of real and honest friendships.

9) Control Freaks

Evil people love putting other people down. They feed themselves by making others feel unimportant. In fact, they enjoy when they are on the top having control over everything.

10) Double Life

Since lying and misleading people is typical for these people, it is not strange they lead double lives. They lie and mess with everyone around them.

11) Stealing Your Time

Evil ones like stealing your time to reach their goals. They really love running your possibilities for improvement and success. Also, they try to keep you away from your friends and family.


Finally, I hope I have provided you with some food for thought in regard to recognising evil people in the work place or anywhere for that matter, so you would not allow them to take control over your life and waste your thoughts and energy. You should know that it is not your fault if someone is mean to you. Also, you should learn how to treat these people. For instance, try ignoring them or at least avoiding them. In fact, it is your life, and you should not allow anyone to have a negative influence on you life.

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