Using infographics to visually demonstrate the interdependence between humanity, the earth, the moon and the stars. Learn how to synchronise your soul with the natural environment according to ancient Hebrew wisdom.

What is the Hebrew Growth Almanac ?

Throughout the course of human history the indigenous Hebrew nation of Israel received harmonious methods and techniques for maintaining a healthy soul, a balanced environment and wholesome lifestyle.

I have collected content from a range of Hebrew texts and used them to create an infographic calendar and planters almanac. The almanac is designed to help you understand the true origin of this world view and its concepts.


Healthy Soul

Acts of Kindness

Healthy Body

A healthy lifestyle, acts of kindness, the environment and the engagement.


Patience Required


A sustainable fruit and vegetable garden, patience is the first requirement.

Respect the Planet

Be Balanced and Thriving

Respect the Planet

A society that is balanced and thriving by observing the sabbatical year.

Protect Your Body

Safeguard your body

Protect Your Body

Safeguard your body with plants and herbs that improve your health.

Click the Tiles for More Information

How to Read this Calendar Infographic

Begin by reading from the top of the circular diagram and proceed in a clockwise direction. The circular chart is divided into twelve segments, each with a distinct colour, a celestial sign and its corresponding Hebrew month.

The Twelve Months (Moon Cycles)

Each of the twelve segments encapsulates a blend of climatic, physical, and spiritual characteristics. These traits are tied to the monthly and seasonal cycles and serve as a guide to understanding ourselves and fostering harmonious interactions with the living world around us.

The Yearly Cycle

To fully comprehend this aspect of the yearly cycle, focus on the light green circular section surrounding the twelve segments. 

The dates inscribed on the circle symbolize significant events that occurred during the first year of the Nation of Israel’s exodus from slavery in Egypt. These dates hold profound significance as they mark anniversaries on which similar events are destined to recur, echoing through time until the end of days.

The Hebrew Calendar Year

The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar, based on both lunar and solar cycles. The Hebrew calendar is a 19-year cycle called the Metonic cycle. Each cycle consists of 12 common years, (regular years) of 12 months and 7 leap years (intercalary years) of 13 months.

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

In addition to the twelve monthly segments and their inherent traits, each month also has an assigned tribe with its inherent characteristics and ecological tasks that are required during that time period. These caltivational task demonstrate the symbiotic connection between humans and the living planet.

The Monthly Division

Every month is segmented into four distinct weekly phases, each encompassing specific tasks, recommendations, and considerations tailored to that particular period.

Harmonic Alignment

Every month is influenced by the interplay of earthly and celestial cycles, intricately woven through the orbit of our planet around the sun and the rhythmic orbit of our moon around Earth.

Resonant Frequency

Certain crystals possess unique qualities capable of influencing or harmonizing our energy in accordance with our birth time. Consequently, employing specific stones aligned with each month can assist in stabilizing and finely tuning our mind, body, and soul.

The House of Israel

The house of Israel is an ancient nation indiginous to the land of Israel. The Tora and its satelite writing codified both a sustainable “code of conduct” in regard to ecological agricultural practices and their intrinsic connection to the human condition.

The connection to the land and the people that live upon it may seem obvious but, it is rarely if ever documented as a single unified and codified method for maintaining a healthy and ecologically sound and sustainable environment.