The Dreamer Dreams

The Art of Productization

Everything Software Design, Product Strategy, Human Centric Design, Documentation, User Experience Design and Product Management.


User interface designer and UX expert with diverse hands on experience with multinational technology companies.


Applies strategic planning and proven leadership skills to grow revenue, improve market share and build successful products.


Engaged technologist, with proven success working directly with R&D teams, sales and customers to build exciting products.


Able to transform the product vision and business requirements into winning scalable software solutions that make a difference.

Mikey’s LinkedIn

Holistic User Experience

When creating a holistic product experience, it’s important to never forget the big picture. This means considering the entire end-to-end user journey. From the moment users first discover the product to their eventual purchase and usage, every step should follow a logical sequence, providing a seamless and smooth user experience.

Productize You Tech

Areas of Understanding – Design System, Software interface design, Functional UI-UX Architecture, Graphic Art, Documentation, Demos and Customer updates.

Understanding & Defining

The first step is to transform your innovation or concept into a marketable and commercially viable product. Creating a tangible product that can be effectively marketed, sold, and used by customers.

Building the Prototype

Building an interactive product prototype to understand the product and contemplate features and functionality before commencing the developement phase of production. 

Create Product User Experience

Main Tasks and Focus – Create a scalable design system, Build interactive prototype, Full “click sequence” UI feature flows, Top down product design.

Document the Thing

Scope and Understanding – Understanding the Software, identifying the target audience, planning and outlining the document, writing the content and creating the visual aids such as diagrams, screenshots, illustrations, and videos.

Authoring the User Guide

Create product documentation that supports the user and enhances their overall experience with the product. Ensuring consistency and user experience by matching the style, terminology, and formatting of the documentation and the product user interface. 

Constructing the Website

Your website is often the first point of contact with potential customers. A well-designed website creates a positive first impression, conveying professionalism, credibility, and trustworthiness.

Create your Website

Clear Objectives – Create the first impression, define the brand identity, create a platform for customer interaction, marketing and promotion, highlight customer support and service.

What Else is there to Experience?

The wondrous world of music, video art and the world we live in. Creating music, art and thought provoking content is a driving force in my life. Check out some of my other creations and content.


A funk rock musical experience, captured live with friends at Pluto Studios in the album called BooGhism KOAS. 

THE growth Almanac

A visual infographic guide to the growth cycle of humans on their planet according to ancient Jewish knowledge.

Writings about things

Explore, learn and read from a range of topics of interest, software industry related content and ideas.

Want to ask Mikey a Question?

Send me a mail and ask me about something that you’re interested in, or would like to know.