Aquarius corresponds with the month of Shevat, which is an air sign. It is the third of the air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

The wisdom gained by reflecting on your astronomical chart will help you realise your inner potential, gain profound self-awareness, and receive invaluable guidance for effective communication.
Each of us is blessed with unique gifts and challenged by specific obstacles that are intricately tied to the astronomical sign under which we were born. These signs, rooted in the sacred teachings of Kabbalistic astronomy (mazalot), serve as spiritual compasses, illuminating the obstacles we must transcend and unveiling our sacred life purpose. The ultimate aim is to empower yourself to rise above the celestial influences and seize control over the direction of your life.
The Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in history occurs, we can better understand why it happened.
The month of Shevat (Aquarius) is an air sign. It is the third of the air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Aquarius represents the Left Column of the three. Aquarius is ruled by two planets.
The Torah portion “Beshalach,” which includes the Song of the Sea (Shirat HaYam), is read during the month of Shvat. This portion describes the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites and their subsequent deliverance from the Egyptians.
The reading of “Beshalach” during the month of Shvat, under the sign of Aquarius, ties together themes of water, sustenance, renewal, and redemption. This period in the Jewish calendar emphasizes growth and looking forward to the future with hope, mirroring the Israelites’ journey towards their Promised Land.
Those born during Shevat (Aquarius), are characterized by their nurturing and innovative spirit. Influenced by Tu BiShvat, the New Year for Trees, they embody growth and renewal. Shvat-born individuals often possess a deep connection to nature and a creative approach to life’s challenges. They excel in cultivating new ideas and fostering harmony, contributing to their community through their compassionate leadership and commitment to sustainability and progress.
They make excellent computer technicians, scientists, and social workers. They thrive on doing anything revolutionary, especially in tasks that carry the flag of social-political revolution.
Personality Traits
Individuals born in the month of Shvat are associated with the following personality traits:
Nurturing and Generous: Shvat is associated with the holiday of Tu B’Shvat, which celebrates the New Year for Trees. People born in Shvat often possess nurturing qualities, caring for others and generously sharing their resources with those in need.
Pragmatic and Grounded: Shvat falls during the winter months, a time when practicality and stability are emphasized. Individuals born in Shvat tend to be pragmatic and grounded, preferring to approach life’s challenges with a realistic mindset and practical solutions.
Connection to Nature: As the month of Tu B’Shvat celebrates trees and nature, those born in Shvat often feel a strong connection to the natural world. They may find solace and inspiration in spending time outdoors and have a deep appreciation for the beauty of the earth.
Intellectual Curiosity: Shvat is also associated with the renewal of Torah study. People born in Shvat often have a keen interest in learning and intellectual pursuits, seeking knowledge and understanding in various fields of study.
Steadfastness and Stability: Like the trees that endure through the winter months, individuals born in Shvat often possess qualities of steadfastness and stability. They are reliable and dependable, able to weather life’s storms with resilience and strength.
Innovation and Growth: Tu B’Shvat is a time of growth and renewal in nature, symbolizing potential and possibility. Those born in Shvat may exhibit a spirit of innovation and growth, embracing new ideas and opportunities for personal and professional development.
Community-Mindedness: Shvat emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings. People born in this month often have a strong sense of community and may be actively involved in efforts to support and care for others.
Patience and Perseverance: Just as trees patiently await the arrival of spring, individuals born in Shvat often possess qualities of patience and perseverance. They are able to endure through difficult times with grace and resilience, trusting that better days are ahead.
Spiritual Depth: Shvat is a time of spiritual renewal and growth. Those born in this month may possess a strong spiritual inclination, seeking meaning and connection through their religious or philosophical beliefs.
These traits reflect a blend of nurturing, stability, intellectual curiosity, and spiritual depth, making individuals born in Shvat compassionate, resilient, and deeply connected to both the natural world and their communities.
Focusing your Energy
Saturn is the planet of judgment, order, responsibility, discipline and laws, while Uranus elevates us to new consciousness and new concepts beyond limitation. This is why the Age of Aquarius and the month of Aquarius are considered times of change. Both are times of new knowledge, inventions, humanity, and charity.
The Cosmic Energy of the Month
The energy of Uranus also connects to the air element – intellectualism, innovations, and new concepts that will bring the world to a higher level of consciousness.
Aquarians are rebellious by nature because they are constantly faced with penetrating questions concerning their individuality, their uniqueness and their identity. This is the reason they strive to break old boundaries.
To Aquarians, the past is but a fleeting moment, and they disconnect from the past in order to find a fresh and unfamiliar reality, a new truth to fit the new times. Uranus orbits the sun every 84 years, which explains the common phenomenon of the “midlife crisis” that plagues 40-42 year olds, when we begin to question our life’s purpose and make plans for the next 40 or so years.
Age of Aquarius
The kabbalists explain that the Age of Aquarius began approximately 400 years ago and is considered the Age of Revelation, or the Age of Redemption.
Why does Aquarius, or Shevat according the Hebrew calendar, symbolize redemption?
Because Aquarians perceive the world as unified, and kabbalists consider this to be the basis of true redemption. Redemption is when all negativity is cleansed, when humanity is free of evil and fragmentation.
Because of their higher level of consciousness, Aquarians are directly linked to this redemptive moment.
Aquarians are unique – they stand out in a crowd and cannot be ignored. They show great promise as children and as adults they are idealists who strive to change the universe with original ideas. They are rebels, and their concern is the well-being of humanity as a whole. They rebel against established ways of doing things, always looking to find new, better ways to solve world problems.
Though Aquarians seek justice for all, this is a global quest, not a personal one. They support things that are grand and noble, while they fail to be sensitive to those around them who are suffering. Aquarians often lack a sense of the practical, and they are passionately independent and private. Their desire for originality causes them to set themselves apart from the crowd. Despite their friendliness and open-mindedness, they are also the most stubborn of all signs. They reject all established structures, and fight to maintain their individuality and freedom in order to exercise their innovative ideas. They detest confinement of any sort.
Yet the most challenging barrier they face is most often their own egos. Even as they begin to make changes in their lives, their focus tends to be external, and they have trouble really changing from deep within.
Aquarians have the power to break free of the limitations of the physical world. But to manifest this power, they must control the aspects of their nature that interfere with its accomplishment.
Aquarians are capable of helping humanity, as long as their own ideas do not become more important than the cause itself. True spirituality means being part of humanity, not above it. Unfortunately, Aquarians usually have such high opinions of themselves that imposing their own views can become their sole objective. Aquarians must conquer their pride, and realize that they have been entrusted with their attributes in order to manifest a certain force in this world. They are merely channels for this energy, and so are not entitled to personal glory.
Point of Reflection
For those born under the sign of Aquarius and for those influenced by the cosmic energy of Aquarius, you can attain the consciousness of a cosmic reality and feel responsible for humanity as a whole. You can know true friendship and perhaps even universal fraternity; Aquarians have the strength for this task.
You can experience an exceptional and unique adventure in the history of humanity if you manage the most difficult restriction – silencing your ego and practicing humility and modesty while living in simplicity.
The Jewish calendar’s association of each month with a zodiac sign and a tribe of Israel is deeply rooted in Jewish mysticism, tradition, and symbolism. This system reflects the interconnectedness of time, spirituality, and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
According to the Kabbalah, each month is linked to one of the twelve zodiac signs, which have divine influence. Each zodiac sign symbolizes specific qualities and energies that are particularly potent during its corresponding month.
Tribes of Israel
Each of the twelve months is also associated with one of the twelve tribes of Israel, corresponding to the twelve sons of Jacob. These tribes represent different aspects of the Jewish collective soul and the divine attributes (Sefirot). Each tribe has unique characteristics and a particular spiritual mission, which aligns with the energy of the corresponding month.
This system blends astronomy, theology, and Jewish tradition to offer spiritual guidance and cultural continuity. It provides meaning and direction, reflecting the holistic nature of Jewish spirituality and its cosmic perspective.
Earth Element
Planet Saturn
Fee Soul/No Boundries
Freedom/Non Conformist
Search for Knowledge
Many Freinds/Few True
Selfish Desires
(Pleasure, Eating)
Almond Harvest
Winter Figs
Late Planting
Downpour of Rain
De’Li (44 Numeric Value)
Cultivate and till the earth in this period. Get rid of weeds and harvest crops for long term storage. Sow vegetalbe seeds or trasplant vegetable seedlings.
A person born during Shvat is ruled by the ankles. They are intuitive humanitarians, tolerent of everything except intolerence. Incapable of taking advantage of others. Freedom is important, they will not stay at a jon where they cannot do things their way. They aften have unique and new ways to go about ther tasks.
They can greatly benifit from regular foot massages and rolling the ankles (sstretching the feet and toes) especially before rising.
The Sefer Yetzirah, or “Book of Creation” is one of the earliest works of Jewish mysticism, particularly within the Kabbalistic tradition.
Ten Sefirot
The Sefer Yetzirah introduces the concept of the Ten Sefirot, which are fundamental to Kabbalistic cosmology. These Sefirot are seen as ten attributes or emanations through which G-d interacts with the world. They are often described as both numbers and divine attributes.
Twenty-Two Hebrew Letters
The Sefer Yetzirah explains the importance of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which it divides into three categories: three “mother” letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven “double” letters (Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav), and twelve “simple” letters. These letters are seen as the building blocks of creation, used by God to form the universe.
According to the “Sepher Yetzirah“, the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that G-d used to created the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us.

Shevat is the month of Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for Trees. The letter Tzadi (צ) symbolizes righteousness, reflecting the growth and renewal inherent in nature and in the human spirit. The letters for the month of Shevat are Tzadi and Bet.
Tzadi created the constellation of Aquarius and serves to connect the upper (spiritual) and lower (physical) worlds. The letter Tzadi is a combination of a Yud (facing backwards) and a Nun. Yud is representative of G-d’s Holy Light while the Nun represents falling from the word nefilla and, visually, the nun appears to be bent over or falling down.
When we combine these distinct energies from the letters that create the Tzadi, we unite the higher and lower worlds. This unification is practiced by the Tzadikim, righteous souls, the word upon which the letter Tzadi is based. We can meditate on the Tzadi during the month to help us elevate all of our “fallings” and to be more proactive to reveal Light in our lives and help to manifest the gift and energy of freedom this month throughout the world.
The letter Bet created the planet Saturn which controls the month. Saturn also controlled the month of Tevet, but with opposite energy. One aspect of Saturn faces in towards the Sun and the rest of our solar system with a clear structure and set of rules – this is the energy of Tevet. The other side of Saturn faces outwards towards space and has the energy of infinite and open space and freedom, which is connected to Aquarians and Shevat.
By meditating on the Tzadi Bet on Rosh Chodesh and throughout the month, we are able to the spiritual balance found in the Tzadi and the open, infinite aspect of Saturn which helps us to achieve freedom and redemption.
Days of Connection in Shevat
The holiday connection of Tu B’shevat on the 15th of of the month, also a full moon. This holiday has great mystical significance and is known as the New Year for the trees. The same way that G-d is both hidden and revealed, a tree has it’s trunk and leaves revealed and its root system hidden or concealed.
On Tu B’Shevat, we are able to connect the spiritual and material worlds by combining both energies. G-d’s holiest name, the Yud Key Vav Key is connected to the spiritual realm and has the numerical value of 26. G-d’s name associated with the physical realm is Adonai, which has the numerical value of 65. When combined, we get 91 the same numerical value as Ilan, the Hebrew word for tree.
Kabbalists stay up all night and study aspects of the Torah, Talmud and Kabbalistic works that pertain to fruits. Some mystics in Safed have a special Seder of the Fruits in order to correct the original sin of humanity when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. The holiday has become like Arbor day too, where kid’s plant trees in Israel. The historical significance is associated with the date on which the tithe of the fruit was determined. Trees, like Aquarians, break through limitations and boundaries and grow tall, opposing and overcoming the limits of gravity. The full energy of redemption and freedom is manifested on Tu B’Shevat when we join the higher and lower worlds with special connections to the trees.
Have a great month and powerful Rosh Chodesh Shevat! Use the power of the Tzadi Bet to connect to the infinite energy of freedom and help to usher in Moshiach consciousness and the completion of the Age of Aquarius.
In Jewish astronomy and Kabbalah, the ruling planets are significant influencers of the spiritual and physical characteristics of time periods and individuals.
These planets are not just astronomical bodies but also spiritual entities that convey divine energy. Their influence can shape the spiritual atmosphere of a month and the innate characteristics of individuals. The interplay between these planetary influences and other Kabbalistic concepts, such as the Sefirot, contributes to a holistic understanding of personality and destiny within the framework of Jewish mysticism.

RULiNG PLANET – Shabtai (Saturn)
The letter Bet created the planet Saturn which controls the month. Saturn also controlled the month of Tevet, but with opposite energy.
One aspect of Saturn faces in towards the Sun and the rest of our solar system with a clear structure and set of rules – this is the energy of Tevet. The other side of Saturn faces outwards towards space and has the energy of infinite and open space and freedom, which is connected to Aquarians and Shevat.
Planets Attributes
Discipline, structure, responsibility, patience, and endurance. Saturn’s influence encourages self-control, determination, and a focus on long-term goals.
Birth Qualitites of Shabtai
Saturn is the planet of judgment, order, responsibility, discipline and laws, while Uranus elevates us to new consciousness and new concepts beyond limitation.
In Jewish tradition, there are specific associations between gemstones and each of the twelve Hebrew months.
In the Torah (Exodus 28:15-21), there is a description of the Breastplate (Choshen) worn by the High Priest (Kohen Gadol), which contained twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones are mentioned as part of the priestly garments and represent the different aspects of the tribes and their virtues.

BiRTH STONE – Aquamarine – Light Blue
Asher’s stone was an Aquamarine, (Beryl) – tarshis, a turquoise sea colored stone. The aquamarine is beneficial for digestion, especially when ground up and mixed with food until it becomes a thick mixture.
As it states, “From Asher, his bread is fat” (Bereishit 49:20). The aquamarine flows as water and therefore may help with the flow of life.
Aquamarine Qualities
Aquamarine increases; Courage, communication, emotional healing, clarity of mind, spiritual awareness, and creativity.
- Aquamarine strengthens calming and soothing energy, promoting courage and protection
- Helps overcome fears and anxieties
- Associated with clear communication and self-expression
- Has a calming and soothing effect on the emotions
- Enhances mental clarity and focus
- Provides spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
- Stimulates creativity and inspires new ideas

The month of Shevat is the eleventh month in the Hebrew calendar and is connected to the astronomic sign of Aquarius. It is referred to as the month of redemption based on the opportunity to use the attributes of the sign to achieve redemption or freedom.
The Hebrew word for Aquarius is D’li, which means bucket or pitcher and we can see that the symbol for Aquarius is a water bearer pouring out water. Since water represents mercy and purification, the sign is a channel for pouring out and sharing mercy with the world. Aquarians generally detest constriction and structure and seek to break down walls that may limit their progress.
The issue or correction that Aquarians have is that their desires for freedom are at the macro level. They care about grand causes and global pursuits and often are disconnected from personal, local matters. It is important for the Aquarian’s correction to be part of society and not above it – while they exchange barriers for freedom.
The “Age of Aquarius” started approximately 400 years ago when the Baal Shem Tov revealed Chassidus with the world and signaled the age of revelation and redemption. The accelerated knowledge during this period has resulted in increased personal power which in turn has led to unprecedented personal freedom.This period of time that is applicable to all of us, reflects the essence of individual Aquarians that aspire to the infinite and are willing to give up traditional structure for freedom. Aquarians with their big picture desires consider the world to be unified, the basis of redemption. When all of the negativity and evil inclination in the world is cleansed, the energy of redemption will prevail and the age of Aquarius will come to completion.
The key to achieve this type of freedom and redemption is to convert our selfish desires for growth and freedom, into the desire to share with others. As channels for redemption, the Aquarian needs to remember their desire for freedom must be for the benefit of humanity as opposed to personal glory. The spiritual work of breaking away from your limitations creates the energy of freedom, while the internal transformation to share this freedom, helps to manifest it in the physical realm.
Shvat marks the time to plant seeds indoors. Vegetables that need a head start include; tomatoes and peppers, that require a long growing period.
A period of gratitude, blessing of the fruit.
Use this month as a guide for starting seeds indoors anywhere from 6 to 10 weeks before the last cold period.
The time of final redemption.
Any seeds started unside need sufficient light, either from a sunny widow or from growth lights.
The equality of all, through the half shekel.
Take advantage of any mild days to pull out weeds, spread fertilizer and till the soil to get it ready for planting.
In the month of Shevat, Tu B’Shevat holds particular significance as it falls on the 15th day of the month. Tu B’Shevat is celebrated specifically on the 15th day of Shevat, making it the focal point of the month. This timing coincides with the beginning of the agricultural year for trees in Israel, as Shevat is when the earliest signs of spring begin to emerge.
Shevat marks the transition from winter to spring in the land of Israel. As the days lengthen and temperatures begin to rise, the natural world awakens from its winter dormancy. Tu B’Shevat symbolizes this transition and the promise of renewal and rebirth in nature.
Tu B’Shevat has agricultural significance, particularly in the context of tithing produce grown in Israel. In biblical times, the 15th of Shevat was used to determine the age of trees for the purpose of tithing their fruit. While this practice is less relevant today, Tu B’Shevat still serves as a reminder of the agricultural roots of Jewish tradition.
Beyond its agricultural aspects, Tu B’Shevat is celebrated as a cultural and spiritual holiday. It is a time for connecting with nature, appreciating the beauty of the earth, and reflecting on humanity’s responsibility to care for the environment. Many people observe Tu B’Shevat by planting trees, participating in ecological initiatives, and enjoying festive meals featuring fruits and nuts.
Tu B’Shevat, also known as the New Year for Trees, is one of the most significant events of the month. It usually occurs on the 15th day of Shevat and marks the beginning of the agricultural year for trees in Israel.
Water is often associated with the sefirah of Yesod and represents the flow of spiritual energy and the receptivity to divine influence. Shevat is a month when the winter rains in Israel typically begin to nourish the land, symbolizing the descent of spiritual blessings and the potential for growth and abundance.
Shevat is seen as a time of preparation and groundwork for spiritual ascent. It is a time to establish firm spiritual foundations, deepen one’s connection to divine source, and cultivate the qualities of receptivity, humility, and alignment with higher truths.
Understanding these traits and tailoring your interactions accordingly can help foster positive relationships with individuals of each mazal.
Brilliant, no limitations, inventive, humanist, independent, desires justice, sees beyond the big picture, ahead of their time
Humanitarian issues and saving the world
They tend to focus on global change rather than inner change. They also can sometimes be insensitive to the needs and pains of the person next door.
Get in the habit of asking people, “How are you feeling? Is there anything I can do for you?” And listen to what they have to say.
Really listen.
They tend to be rebellious and feel compelled to be different.
There are times when it’s okay to be part of the pack, such as when you are part of a group that is working towards the greater good.
Their ego is legendary since they are very aware of their originality.
All of your gifts are entrusted to you so that you can be a channel for others. You are just the medium – the Light is the source of the genius ideas.
They will channel wonderful ideas but can be so stubborn that they might not recognize when their ideas are inappropriate.
When five people give you the same message, perhaps it’s time to let go and listen.
- One-to-one relations with others and being part of this world.
- Listen to the people around you.
- Focus on your inner self and avoid distracting youself with worldly problems and distractions.
- Be sensitive to their need for personal freedom and space
- Listen to Aquarius’ visions for society and humanity
- Encourage involvement in small, short-term activities
- Give diplomatic feedback when Aquarians become lofty and removed from others
Fire Element
Assertion, Drive, Willpower
Air Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Earth Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Water Element
Emotion, Empathy, Sensitivity