Gemini is the third month of the Hebrew (solar/lunar) year, and is in the Central Column of the air signs.

The wisdom gained by reflecting on your astronomical chart will help you realise your inner potential, gain profound self-awareness, and receive invaluable guidance for effective communication.
Each of us is blessed with unique gifts and challenged by specific obstacles that are intricately tied to the astronomical sign under which we were born. These signs, rooted in the sacred teachings of Kabbalistic astronomy (mazalot), serve as spiritual compasses, illuminating the obstacles we must transcend and unveiling our sacred life purpose. The ultimate aim is to empower yourself to rise above the celestial influences and seize control over the direction of your life.
The Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in history occurs, we can better understand why it happened.
Teumim (Gemini) is the third month of the Hebrew (lunar) year, and is in the Central Column of the air signs.
Moses received the two tablets of the Ten Commandments in Sivan. The Ten Commandments represent duality. The tablets represent the dual aspects of the covenant between God and the Israelites—both the moral and ethical commandments.
The lineage of the Moshiach (Messiah) King of Israel, comes through the line of Peretz and Zerach, who were the twin sons of Judah and Tamar.
Those born during Sivan (Gemini) are intellectuals who have the desire to know everything, and an unlimited curiosity to collect information of every kind. This is because knowledge is power, and the more information gathered today will make future choices easier to make.
They are curious, adaptable, and communicative. They thrive on intellectual stimulation and enjoy learning and sharing ideas. Sociable and versatile, they are quick-witted and expressive, often excelling in multi-tasking. However, they can be indecisive and restless, seeking constant variety and excitement.
Personality Traits
People born in the month of Sivan are associated with the following personality traits:
Intellectual Curiosity: They have a strong desire for knowledge and a keen interest in learning new things. This curiosity drives them to explore various fields of study and acquire a broad range of information.
Communication Skills: Sivan is linked to Gemini, known for its communication prowess. Those born in Sivan are typically articulate, expressive, and skilled in conveying their thoughts and ideas effectively. They enjoy engaging in meaningful conversations and are often good listeners.
Adaptability: They are flexible and can easily adjust to new situations and environments. Their versatile nature allows them to embrace change and make the best out of different circumstances.
Duality and Balance: Reflecting the dual nature of Gemini, individuals born in Sivan often have a balanced perspective, seeing both sides of an issue. They can harmonize contrasting qualities within themselves, such as being both social and introspective.
Curiosity and Adventure: They possess a strong sense of adventure and a love for exploring new places and trying new activities. Their energetic and enthusiastic disposition makes them open to new experiences and eager to discover the world around them.
Social and Friendly: People born in Sivan are generally social beings who enjoy being around others. They are friendly, approachable, and often the center of social gatherings due to their engaging personality.
Restlessness and Impatience: The quick-moving energy associated with Gemini can sometimes make them restless and impatient. They may find it challenging to stay focused on one task for long periods and can become easily bored if not constantly stimulated.
Spiritual Sensitivity: Given the spiritual significance of Sivan as the month of Shavuot, when the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, individuals born in this month may have a heightened spiritual awareness. They often seek deeper meaning and purpose in life and are drawn to spiritual practices.
Creativity and Innovation: They have a creative streak and enjoy thinking outside the box. Their innovative mindset allows them to come up with new ideas and solutions, often approaching problems from unique angles.
These traits make individuals born in Sivan well-rounded and dynamic, with a blend of intellectual, social, and spiritual qualities. Their adaptability, curiosity, and communication skills enable them to navigate various aspects of life effectively.
Focusing your Energy
The Gemini’s need to collect information enables them to choose what is good and what is bad, what is right or wrong. This explains Gemini’s tendency to jump from one subject to the other, and that is why, of course, they have many questions, doubts and uncertainties. The end result is their reluctance to enter any sort of commitment.
The Cosmic Energy of the Month
The solution for this personal obstacle is certainty. There is no greater teacher than a Gemini with a firm sense of certainty. As a communication sign, Gemini can be the perfect channel, one who can learn, understand and teach.
The ideal for a Gemini is to be a channel for as many people as possible, especially for those who are lost on their path, and help others to reach their own personal certainty.
Point of Reflection
The duality of Gemini is expressed in every area of life. They embody the ability to do more than one task at the same time. They have trouble with loyalty to one political party (as the servant of two masters), and they tend to change moods, like the wind changes direction and strength. That is why Geminis can be a different person each day.
Those born during Sivan (Gemini) are intellectuals who have the desire to know everything, and an unlimited curiosity to collect information of every kind. This is because knowledge is power, and the more information gathered today will make future choices easier to make.
They are curious, adaptable, and communicative. They thrive on intellectual stimulation and enjoy learning and sharing ideas. Sociable and versatile, they are quick-witted and expressive, often excelling in multi-tasking. However, they can be indecisive and restless, seeking constant variety and excitement.
Personality Traits
People born in the month of Sivan are associated with the following personality traits:
Intellectual Curiosity: They have a strong desire for knowledge and a keen interest in learning new things. This curiosity drives them to explore various fields of study and acquire a broad range of information.
Communication Skills: Sivan is linked to Gemini, known for its communication prowess. Those born in Sivan are typically articulate, expressive, and skilled in conveying their thoughts and ideas effectively. They enjoy engaging in meaningful conversations and are often good listeners.
Adaptability: They are flexible and can easily adjust to new situations and environments. Their versatile nature allows them to embrace change and make the best out of different circumstances.
Duality and Balance: Reflecting the dual nature of Gemini, individuals born in Sivan often have a balanced perspective, seeing both sides of an issue. They can harmonize contrasting qualities within themselves, such as being both social and introspective.
Curiosity and Adventure: They possess a strong sense of adventure and a love for exploring new places and trying new activities. Their energetic and enthusiastic disposition makes them open to new experiences and eager to discover the world around them.
Social and Friendly: People born in Sivan are generally social beings who enjoy being around others. They are friendly, approachable, and often the center of social gatherings due to their engaging personality.
Restlessness and Impatience: The quick-moving energy associated with Gemini can sometimes make them restless and impatient. They may find it challenging to stay focused on one task for long periods and can become easily bored if not constantly stimulated.
Spiritual Sensitivity: Given the spiritual significance of Sivan as the month of Shavuot, when the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, individuals born in this month may have a heightened spiritual awareness. They often seek deeper meaning and purpose in life and are drawn to spiritual practices.
Creativity and Innovation: They have a creative streak and enjoy thinking outside the box. Their innovative mindset allows them to come up with new ideas and solutions, often approaching problems from unique angles.
These traits make individuals born in Sivan well-rounded and dynamic, with a blend of intellectual, social, and spiritual qualities. Their adaptability, curiosity, and communication skills enable them to navigate various aspects of life effectively.
Focusing your Energy
The Gemini’s need to collect information enables them to choose what is good and what is bad, what is right or wrong. This explains Gemini’s tendency to jump from one subject to the other, and that is why, of course, they have many questions, doubts and uncertainties. The end result is their reluctance to enter any sort of commitment.
The Cosmic Energy of the Month
The solution for this personal obstacle is certainty. There is no greater teacher than a Gemini with a firm sense of certainty. As a communication sign, Gemini can be the perfect channel, one who can learn, understand and teach.
The ideal for a Gemini is to be a channel for as many people as possible, especially for those who are lost on their path, and help others to reach their own personal certainty.
Point of Reflection
The duality of Gemini is expressed in every area of life. They embody the ability to do more than one task at the same time. They have trouble with loyalty to one political party (as the servant of two masters), and they tend to change moods, like the wind changes direction and strength. That is why Geminis can be a different person each day.
The Jewish calendar’s association of each month with a zodiac sign and a tribe of Israel is deeply rooted in Jewish mysticism, tradition, and symbolism. This system reflects the interconnectedness of time, spirituality, and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
According to the Kabbalah, each month is linked to one of the twelve zodiac signs, which have divine influence. Each zodiac sign symbolizes specific qualities and energies that are particularly potent during its corresponding month.
Tribes of Israel
Each of the twelve months is also associated with one of the twelve tribes of Israel, corresponding to the twelve sons of Jacob. These tribes represent different aspects of the Jewish collective soul and the divine attributes (Sefirot). Each tribe has unique characteristics and a particular spiritual mission, which aligns with the energy of the corresponding month.
This system blends astronomy, theology, and Jewish tradition to offer spiritual guidance and cultural continuity. It provides meaning and direction, reflecting the holistic nature of Jewish spirituality and its cosmic perspective.
Air Element
Planet Mercury
True Love
Social Balance
Connecting Positive/Negative
(Progress, Acknowledgement)
Tending Grape Vines
Figs begin to ripen
Teumim (497 Numeric Value)
Cultivate and till during this month. Harvest herbs and root crops or weeds for maximal effectiveness.
Avoid planting anything.
A person born during the month of Sivan is ruled by the lungs. They love to talk and be witty. Great gulps of air are often required to keep the stream going, resulting in infectious agents often getting stuck straight into their lungs.
Maintaining a slightly slower pace can be useful and using a mask when working amid dust.
Taking time to vacuum the mattress and pillows between bed sheet changes and keeping the night stand dust free can make a huge difference.
The Sefer Yetzirah, or “Book of Creation” is one of the earliest works of Jewish mysticism, particularly within the Kabbalistic tradition.
Ten Sefirot
The Sefer Yetzirah introduces the concept of the Ten Sefirot, which are fundamental to Kabbalistic cosmology. These Sefirot are seen as ten attributes or emanations through which G-d interacts with the world. They are often described as both numbers and divine attributes.
Twenty-Two Hebrew Letters
The Sefer Yetzirah explains the importance of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which it divides into three categories: three “mother” letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven “double” letters (Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav), and twelve “simple” letters. These letters are seen as the building blocks of creation, used by G-d to form the universe.
According to the “Sepher Yetzirah“, the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that G-d used to create the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us.

Sivan is the month of Shavuot, the giving of the Torah. The letter Zayin (ז) signifies a weapon or tool, indicating the power of the Torah as a spiritual tool and the protection it offers. The letters for the month of Sivan are Resh and Zayin.
Resh created the planet Mercury and rules over the month of Sivan. Mercury is “Kokhav” in Hebrew. If we parse Kokhav into two parts, we get the letters Caf Vav which has the numerical value of 26, the same as the tetragrammaton, the holiest 4-letter combination of G-d’s name and the essence of the spiritual realm. The second half of the word is Caf Bet which has the numerical value of 22, representing the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet which created our physical world. We can see here another hint towards the unification of spiritual and physical energies through Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini. The letter Zayin created the constellation of Gemini.
The letters Resh and Zayin when taken together create the word Raz, which means secret. It is during the month of Sivan that the Torah was given to the Israelites on Mt. Sinai, the ultimate secret to the workings of the universe. When taken together and meditated upon, Resh and Zayin can connect us to the energy of unity, unifying the spiritual and physical and light and dark in the month of Sivan.
Days of Connection in Sivan
The holiday of Shavuot always falls in Sivan and further represents the unification of the spiritual and physical with the giving of the Torah and 10 Commandments by G-d on Mt Sinai to Moses and the Jewish people.
The Zohar states that Shavuot is like a wedding day with the Jewish people representing the bride, and the Torah, the ultimate spiritual revelation, representing the groom.
In Jewish astronomy and Kabbalah, the ruling planets are significant influencers of the spiritual and physical characteristics of time periods and individuals.
These planets are not just astronomical bodies but also spiritual entities that convey divine energy. Their influence can shape the spiritual atmosphere of a month and the innate characteristics of individuals. The interplay between these planetary influences and other Kabbalistic concepts, such as the Sefirot, contributes to a holistic understanding of personality and destiny within the framework of Jewish mysticism.

RULiNG PLANET – Kochav (Mercury)
The controlling planet is Mercury, in Hebrew – Kochav. Kochav’s numerical value is Caf Vav = 26 (the same numerical value as Yud Hei Vav Hei or the Tetragrammaton) and Caf Bet = 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, together creating the most powerful and energetic combination.
Planets Attributes
Communication, intellect, adaptability, and commerce. Mercury’s energy enhances analytical skills, adaptability, and the ability to connect and share ideas effectively.
Birth Qualities of Kochav
Mercury is the planet of communication, which means it is like an electrical cable, telephone wire, a teacher, an adviser, a story teller – basically anything that can transfer any information from point a to point b.
In Jewish tradition, there are specific associations between gemstones and each of the twelve Hebrew months.
In the Torah (Exodus 28:15-21), there is a description of the Breastplate (Choshen) worn by the High Priest (Kohen Gadol), which contained twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones are mentioned as part of the priestly garments and represent the different aspects of the tribes and their virtues.

BiRTH STONE – Diamond – White
Zevulun’s stone was a Diamond – yahalom, white as silver, a sign of wealth. It was given to Zevulun, who was a merchant, as it causes success in business transactions. It also counteracts insomnia and brings about sleep.
Diamond Qualities
Diamond’s provide; Clarity, strength, abundance, purity, spiritual awakening, and healing.
- Diamond is known for its clarity and brilliance, symbolizing clarity of thought and focus
- The hardest substances on Earth, symbolizing strength and resilience
- Associated with abundance and prosperity, attracting wealth and success into one’s life.
- Enhances purity and integrity,
- Honesty and transparency
- Facilitates spiritual awakening and enlightenment
- Healing and protective qualities, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

The month of Sivan is connected to the astronomical sign of Gemini. Kabbalists explain that Sivan or Gemini is the third month in the Hebrew calendar and symbolizes the “central column”, represented by the number 3. As the central column, the month has the energy of balance – balancing the right column energy of mercy and the left column energy of judgement.
Likewise we have an opportunity during Sivan to balance the opposing energies of the astrological twins of Gemini. We read about twins in the Torah story of Rebecca who is carrying twin sons Jacob and Esau. Every time she would pass a Holy place representing spirituality, Jacob would kick. When she passed a negative place representing physicality, Esau would kick. We have the power during Sivan to combine the opposing energies of the twins into one and integrate the energies of Light and Darkness within each of us.
Days of restriction and abstinence, assembly, eating dairy.
The letters of the Tora, order and definition.
Sivan marks the busiest month for the vegetable gardener.
During this time weeding and watering is constant.
Picking any vegetables that have reached maturity is an almost daily task.
During this time, remove any dead plants to make room for fall crops or to improve the appearance of the garden.
Many secrets were revealed in the cosmos during the month of Gemini. Sivan is known as the month of “Matan Torah – the giving of the Torah.” The sixth day of the month, the holiday of Shavuot, is the cosmic day on which we finish the counting of the Omer. When the awesome Light of freedom was revealed on Pesach, this Light was given to us with no effort from our side. That is why we “count the Omer” to build vessels through correcting our actions that cause the Light to be concealed.
On this fiftieth day after Pesach, we reach the level of Binah. An awesome amount of Light is revealed on the day of Shavuot, as it is the anniversary of when people of the world received the Torah and the energy of Zeir Anpin, and the endless Light of “bila hamavet lanetzach – when death was swallowed up forever”, which resulted in immortality. The very same energy of immortality is revealed each year on Shavuot. The Arisays that whoever remains awake on Shavuot, engaging in Zohar study, is promised total protection and safety until Rosh Hashanna.
In the month of Sivan, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, when the Torah was given by G‑d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot, we renew our acceptance of G-d’s gift, and G‑d “re-gives” the Torah.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is distinguished as the day on which the Jewish people arrived and camped before Mount Sinai.
The Torah describes this with the phrase “Israel camped before the mountain” (exodus 19:2) where the verb vayichan (“camped”) is stated in a singular form, in contrast to the other verbs in the narrative. This describes how the entire people camped “as one person, with one heart,” expressing true unity.
The giving of the Torah was a far-reaching spiritual event—one that touched the essence of the Jewish soul for all times. Our sages have compared it to a wedding between G‑d and the Jewish people.
Shavuot also means “oaths,” for on this day G‑d swore eternal devotion to us, and we in turn pledged everlasting loyalty to Him.
Understanding these traits and tailoring your interactions accordingly can help foster positive relationships with individuals of each mazal.
Teumim (GEMiNi)
Speed, intelligence, multi-talented, curious, friendly, great communicators, open to new ideas.
Intellectual stimulation
Lacks patience, too analytical.
Ask the Light for strength to wait, without jumping to conclusions.
When not feeling stimulated, ask for strength to go through the illusionary dull process.
Impatient with others, sees only the big picture.
Focus on details.
Thinks that they are smarter than others. Know that understanding is limited and only the light will give flawless answers.
Trust the Light, not the mind. Choose the uncomfortable and do it with certainty.
Go beyond intellectual stimulation. Push to go deeper and know the Light is always there waiting for you.
Constantly changing, lacking consistency
Focus on the gradual process to achieve fast results. True changes are internal – not external.
Don’t jump to conclusions – you might fall and hurt yourself and others.
- Choosing one goal in life and complete dedication to that goal
- Committing to promises
- Seeking Balance
- Recognizing one’s mistakes
- Helping others
- Keep them stimulated
- Appeal to their intellect
- Tune yourself into the Gemini’s way of thinking and communicating
- Help them be more focused on one project
- Encourage them to stick to the same path
- Listen to their wisdom
Fire Element
Assertion, Drive, Willpower
Air Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Earth Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Water Element
Emotion, Empathy, Sensitivity