Pisces corresponds with the month Adar. The central column of the water signs, and is controlled by two planets, Jupiter and Neptune.

The wisdom gained by reflecting on your astronomical chart will help you realise your inner potential, gain profound self-awareness, and receive invaluable guidance for effective communication.
Each of us is blessed with unique gifts and challenged by specific obstacles that are intricately tied to the astronomical sign under which we were born. These signs, rooted in the sacred teachings of Kabbalistic astronomy (mazalot), serve as spiritual compasses, illuminating the obstacles we must transcend and unveiling our sacred life purpose. The ultimate aim is to empower yourself to rise above the celestial influences and seize control over the direction of your life.
The Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in history occurs, we can better understand why it happened.
Dagim (Pisces) completes the astronomic cycle that begins with Aries. It is Central Column of the water signs, and is controlled by two planets, Jupiter and Neptune.
In leap years, an additional month, Adar II (Adar Bet), is added after Adar. The dual fish symbol of Pisces can be seen to reflect the dual Adar months in leap years.
Those born during Adar, are known for their joyful and lively personalities. Influenced by Purim, they embody spontaneity, humor, and a zest for life. Adar-born individuals often have a natural ability to uplift others and find positivity in every situation. They excel in creative pursuits and enjoy celebrating traditions with enthusiasm, contributing to their community through their vibrant energy and ability to bring people together in celebration.
Personality Traits
Individuals born in the month of Adar are associated with the following personality traits:
Joyfulness and Optimism: Adar is traditionally considered a month of joy and celebration, especially due to the holiday of Purim. People born in Adar often possess a naturally joyful and optimistic disposition, bringing laughter and positivity wherever they go.
Sense of Humor: Purim, celebrated in Adar, is known for its festive atmosphere and humorous traditions. Those born in Adar often have a great sense of humor, enjoying laughter and lightheartedness in both good times and challenging situations.
Creativity and Playfulness: Purim encourages creativity and self-expression through costumes, festivities, and storytelling. Individuals born in Adar tend to be creative and playful, enjoying artistic endeavors and finding joy in imaginative activities.
Resilience and Adaptability: Adar falls during the transition from winter to spring, symbolizing renewal and rebirth. People born in Adar often possess resilience and adaptability, able to navigate changes with ease and bounce back from setbacks with a positive attitude.
Generosity and Compassion: Purim emphasizes acts of kindness and charity towards others. Those born in Adar often have a generous and compassionate nature, caring deeply for the well-being of others and readily offering support to those in need.
Courage and Boldness: The story of Purim involves acts of bravery and courage in the face of adversity. Individuals born in Adar may exhibit similar qualities, facing challenges with boldness and determination, and standing up for what they believe in.
Social and Outgoing: Adar’s festive atmosphere encourages socializing and community involvement. People born in Adar often thrive in social settings, enjoying the company of others and forming strong bonds with friends and loved ones.
Optimistic Outlook on Life: Adar’s association with joy and celebration fosters an optimistic outlook on life. Those born in Adar tend to see the bright side of situations and approach life with enthusiasm and positivity.
Spiritual Depth: Purim, celebrated in Adar, has deep spiritual significance, emphasizing themes of divine providence and hidden miracles. Individuals born in Adar may possess a strong spiritual inclination, seeking meaning and connection through their religious or philosophical beliefs.
These traits reflect a blend of joyfulness, creativity, resilience, and compassion, making individuals born in Adar lively, optimistic, and deeply connected to their communities. Their ability to find laughter in life’s moments and spread joy to others contributes to their magnetic and uplifting presence.
Focusing your Energy
Jupiter controls two signs: Pisces and Saggittarius. These two months, Adar and Kislev, are characterized by the tremendous miracles that took place because of the energy of Jupiter. Sagittarius marks the miracles of Chanukah. The miracle of Purim, created by Esther, Mordechai, and the unity between the Jews in Shushan, Persia occurred during Pisces. This “togetherness” and unified effort of unconditional sharing caused the miracle that prevented the total extermination of the Israelites in Persia under Achashverosh’s rule.
Jupiter is the planet of success, miracles, expansion of the metaphysical vessel, and extension of our spiritual ability.
The second planet that rules Pisces, Neptune, was discovered only in the 19th century and is considered the planet that rules the abstract; the planet itself cannot be seen with the naked eye, only with a telescope. It controls intuition, imagination, creativity and art. It provides us with the ability to see and understand beyond our five senses.
The combination of these two planets gives Pisces a very powerful emotional ability. They are remarkably sensitive and vulnerable with the strongest intuition of any sign. They are very deep people, whether it comes to opinion, thought, or inspiration. Pisceans have an uncanny talent for sensitivity toward others, for they can truly enter a person’s heart and mind and experience the pain and suffering of others.
The Cosmic Energy of the Month
Pisces is known for the holiday of Purim. According to the sages, it will be the only holiday to continue to be celebrated throughout the world after the Messiah comes. “When Adar begins, joy enters,” as the famous Hebraic phrase goes. It is a month of happiness, miracles and wonders. It affords us the ability to achieve mind over matter, to overcome our doubts, and connect to the Light.
Point of Reflection
Pisces is the only month that occasionally repeats itself in a single calendar year. Because of the difference between the lunar and the solar year, the sages add an extra Hebrew month to the lunar year in order to balance the two. The months are then referred to as Adar I and Adar II. This instance occurs 7 times every 19 years. When we experience two months of Adar, we are given an extra dose of that powerful energy. Pisces is the last of the feminine months and is the sixth month since Libra and the Kabbalistic new year. Six represents Yesod, the luminous emanation that transfers energy to Malchut (our realm), so Adar gives us even more potential to become channels for others.
The Jewish calendar’s association of each month with a zodiac sign and a tribe of Israel is deeply rooted in Jewish mysticism, tradition, and symbolism. This system reflects the interconnectedness of time, spirituality, and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
According to the Kabbalah, each month is linked to one of the twelve zodiac signs, which have divine influence. Each zodiac sign symbolizes specific qualities and energies that are particularly potent during its corresponding month.
Tribes of Israel
Each of the twelve months is also associated with one of the twelve tribes of Israel, corresponding to the twelve sons of Jacob. These tribes represent different aspects of the Jewish collective soul and the divine attributes (Sefirot). Each tribe has unique characteristics and a particular spiritual mission, which aligns with the energy of the corresponding month.
This system blends astronomy, theology, and Jewish tradition to offer spiritual guidance and cultural continuity. It provides meaning and direction, reflecting the holistic nature of Jewish spirituality and its cosmic perspective.
Earth Element
Planet Jupiter
Fatalism/Lack of Amition
6th Sense/Introverted
(Will, Laughter)
Citrus Harvest
Banana Harvest
Passion fruit Harvest
Pulling Flax
Late Rains
Dagim (57 Numerical Value)
Transplant or sow seed in this month for vigorous root growth. Fertilze root crops or graft for best results. Plant root crops now.
A person born during Adar is ruled by the feet. Many Pisceans wear colorful socks. This sign does not posses its own energy. Instead, it is a combination of all the signs. sensitive and compassionate, with a built in radar about people.
They are great listeners and givers of advice from a different perspective.
Relaxation is very important, regularly schedule alone time and meditation is a must.
The Sefer Yetzirah, or “Book of Creation” is one of the earliest works of Jewish mysticism, particularly within the Kabbalistic tradition.
Ten Sefirot
The Sefer Yetzirah introduces the concept of the Ten Sefirot, which are fundamental to Kabbalistic cosmology. These Sefirot are seen as ten attributes or emanations through which G-d interacts with the world. They are often described as both numbers and divine attributes.
Twenty-Two Hebrew Letters
The Sefer Yetzirah explains the importance of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which it divides into three categories: three “mother” letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven “double” letters (Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav), and twelve “simple” letters. These letters are seen as the building blocks of creation, used by God to form the universe.
According to the “Sepher Yetzirah“, the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that G-d used to created the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us.

Adar is the month of Purim, a time of joy and hidden miracles. The letter Kuf (ק) represents holiness and the potential to bring the holy into the mundane, emphasizing the joy and hidden miracles in life. The letters for the month of Adar are Kaf and Gimel.
Kaf created the constellation of Pisces and serves to connect the upper (spiritual) and lower (physical) worlds. Kaf is the only letter in the Hebrew alphabet that goes below the line, and enters the lower world. By acting as a “double-agent”, the Kaf can enter the realm of darkness, confront negativity head-on and Pisces can use the wisdom to control and negative aspects of their lives. When the leg of the Kaf, that part that goes below the line and enters the lower realm, is removed, we are left with the letter Hei, which is representative of G-d’s name, Hashem.
The letter Gimel created the Planet Jupiter which controls the month and has the energy of sharing. When combining the two letters in meditation, we can focus converting the wisdom gleaned from the lower world into Light and sharing it with the world.
Days of Connection in Adar
The holiday of Purim falls on the 14th of Adar and is also celebrated on the 15th in certain communities. This holiday has great mystical significance and is celebrated by the reading of the Megilla – the Book of Esther, along with and a big feast, dressing up, exchanging portions of feed and giving charity to the poor. Spiritually, the holiday reflects the ability to convert darkness into Light, regardless of our circumstances, and is associated with great joy.
The story describes how a seemingly irreversible edict to destroy the Jews, put in place by King Asheverous’ evil henchman Haman, is reversed and Haman and his 10 son’s are hung on the same gallows built for Mordechai the Jew. The story is beautifully told and despite the clear hand of G-d working behind the scenes to save the Jews from destruction, G-d’s name is never expressly mentioned throughout the reading. This alludes to the fact that what is hidden is often more powerful than what is revealed.
Adar has several other days of connection including the 3rd of Adar when Moses was born, the 13th of Adar – the day that Esther fasted ahead of the Purim celebration and the 15th of Adar, known as Shushan Purim. Adar also has two special Shabbat connections within the month – Shabbat Shekhalim and Shabbat Zachor. Shekalim is either on the Shabbat before or on Adar 1 and is the Shabbat of Shekels where every adult male Jew was asked to contribute half a Biblical Shekel for the upkeep of the Tabernacle. Shabbat Zachor is the Shabbat immediately preceding Purim and the attack by Amalek is recounted.
There is a tradition from the Talmud that Haman was descended from Amalek. The portion that is read includes a commandment to remember the attack by Amalek, and men, women and children are encouraged to make a special effort to hear the reading. These special Sabbaths further add to the joy or of the month.
In Jewish astronomy and Kabbalah, the ruling planets are significant influencers of the spiritual and physical characteristics of time periods and individuals.
These planets are not just astronomical bodies but also spiritual entities that convey divine energy. Their influence can shape the spiritual atmosphere of a month and the innate characteristics of individuals. The interplay between these planetary influences and other Kabbalistic concepts, such as the Sefirot, contributes to a holistic understanding of personality and destiny within the framework of Jewish mysticism.

RULiNG PLANET – Tzedek (Jupiter)
The letter Gimel created Jupiter, which controls expansion. Jupiter represents the desire to learn, to know, and the fields of science, biology, education, art and music.
Planets Attributes
Expansion, growth, optimism, luck, and benevolence. Jupiter brings a sense of abundance, wisdom, and generosity, fostering a positive outlook and spiritual growth.
Birth Qualities of Tzedek
Jupiter is the planet of success, miracles, expansion of the metaphysical vessel, and extension of our spiritual ability. It provides us with the ability to see and understand beyond our five senses.
In Jewish tradition, there are specific associations between gemstones and each of the twelve Hebrew months.
In the Torah (Exodus 28:15-21), there is a description of the Breastplate (Choshen) worn by the High Priest (Kohen Gadol), which contained twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones are mentioned as part of the priestly garments and represent the different aspects of the tribes and their virtues.

BiRTH STONE – Agate – Blue/Brown
Naftali’s stone was a Turquoise (Agate) – shavo. This stonehelps a person remain seated when riding (driving) and helps him succeed in driving all of his life. Since it connects him to his chariot, it was given to Naftali whose name means connection (Bereishit 30:8).
A balancing stone, it is particularly suited for those who use logic more than intuition. It strengthens motoric abilities and aligns the body with the brain. It provides the sensation of courage and strength.
Agate Qualities
Agate’s brings; Gounding, balance, courage, emotional healing, creativity, and connection to nature.
- Agate has stabilizing and grounding properties, helping individuals to feel more balanced and centered
- Promoting balance and harmony within the self
- Helping individuals to overcome fears and insecurities
- Calming and soothing energy
- Enhances emotional healing and well-being
- Stimulates creativity and inspires new ideas
- Promotes a deeper connection to the earth and its cycles

The month of Adar is the twelfth and final month in the Hebrew calendar and is connected to the astronomic sign of Pisces. Those born under the sign have the benefit of “seeing” all of the prior signs and for that reason are considered the most spiritually elevated people. Great spirits with little correction often reincarnate into a Pisces.
Pisces have the unique insight to understand that Light is revealed by sharing, but by correctly recognizing that everything will work out for the best, they sometimes limit their desire. It is critical for Pisces to act, not just sit and wait for the result. The Pisces correction is to overcome their potential passive behavior and to take a leadership role in whatever they do. Moses was a Pisces and, similar to his example, a Pisces can use their spirituality, modesty and sensitivity to help others. Adar contains the energy of miracles because it includes the holiday of Purim, an cosmic holiday that transforms darkness to Light. When Moshiach consciousness comes, the only holiday that will be celebrated will be Purim.
Pisces is a water sign represented by two fish positioned in opposite directions. The two fish hint to the fact that Pisces can come and go between both the physical and spiritual realms and, like water, the sign is connected to mercy. Also, because fish do not have eyelids, their eyes are always open and are a symbol used to protect against evil eye. Fish are also a sign of Christianity, reflecting love, kindness and charity. Lastly, Adar in Hebrew means spinal cord and the same way in which the spinal cord holds together the entire body, the Pisces holds together and stabilizes the months and zodiac signs.
Joy is increased, a period of salvation and diven judgement.
Plant Broccoli, Cabbage, Collards, Kale, Leeks, Onion (Seed), Peas and Spinach.
Beware of those that seek your demise.
Plant beetroot Turnips, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce Mustard and Potatoes.
A day of Mobilization, fasting, disguise and rejoicing.
Plant Radish, Chard, Beans (Snap), (Runner), (Shelling), Corn Okra (Bamya), Tomatoes amd Cucumber.
Remember the needs of the public.
Plant Eggplant, Luffa, Melon, Peanuts, Peppers, Pumpkin, Squash and Sweet Ppotatoes.
Rosh Chodesh is the first day of the month in the Hebrew calendar and is marked by the appearance of the new moon. The full moon is always fifteen days later on the 15th of the Hebrew month, often marking the start of Jewish holidays. In 30-day lunar months, we celebrate Rosh Chodesh for two days, on the last day of the prior month and on the first day of the new month.
On Rosh Chodesh we have the opportunity to connect to the seed level energy of the month and inject greater control over our spiritual and physical well being. Each month has a unique energy influenced by a different planet and astronomic constellation with two corresponding Hebrew letters as written about by Abraham the Patriarch in the “Sefer Yetzirah” or Book of Formation, one of the first books of Kabbalah.
Purim is the main event of Adar, celebrated on the 14th day of the month (Adar II in leap years). Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the plot of Haman, a vizier in ancient Persia, to annihilate them.
The story is recounted in the biblical Book of Esther. Purim is marked by festive observances, including reading the Book of Esther (Megillah), giving charity (matanot l’evyonim), exchanging gifts of food (mishloach manot), and enjoying a festive meal (se’udat Purim). It’s a time of rejoicing, wearing costumes, and expressing gratitude for the salvation of the Jewish people.
In leap years on the Jewish calendar, an additional month, called Adar Sheni (Second Adar), is added before the month of Nisan. This occurs approximately seven times in a 19-year cycle to align the lunar-based Jewish calendar with the solar year. Purim is celebrated in Adar Sheni in leap years.
The Talmudic teaching, “When Adar enters, we increase in joy” (Taanit 29a), highlights the festive atmosphere associated with the month of Adar, particularly in anticipation of Purim. It’s a time for heightened happiness and celebration, reflecting on the miraculous events of Purim and the deliverance of the Jewish people.
Understanding these traits and tailoring your interactions accordingly can help foster positive relationships with individuals of each mazal.
Sharing, generous, humble, altruistic, empathetic, listens well, artistic talents, intuitive, spiritual, imaginative.
Sharing, alleviating pain and suffering
Follower, not initiator.
The gifts you possess are on loan. Don’t wait to use them.
Run after opportunities to reveal your talents and greatness. People you haven’t even met yet are depending on your actions.
Ruled by emotions, not logic. Too emotionally involved in the pain of others.
The best thing you can do for someone in need is to offer them a helping hand, lend them an open ear, and ask what you can do to help. Other than that, everyone has their own correction to make in this lifetime, and you can’t take on another’s correction.
Cannot handle pressure and has difficulty with change. Gives up easily.
Know that when the feeling of wanting to quit comes over you, it is a sign that there is great Light about to be revealed.
No sense of urgency – “God will provide.”
God helps those who help themselves.
Can be addicted to drugs, approval, and their own pain.
Addiction is actually a sign of a strong desire for Light.
If rechannelled in a positive direction, this drive can serve you well.
- Seize the moment, don’t wait
- Self motivate yourself and get in the habbit of making lists of tasks and completing them
- Set time for breathing exercises.
- Be patient
- Relate to them on an emotional level, don’t rely on logical explanations
- Be action oriented, encouraging them to take action
Fire Element
Assertion, Drive, Willpower
Air Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Earth Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Water Element
Emotion, Empathy, Sensitivity