Big data mining and web Intelligence investigation software for collecting, analyzing, deciphering and mapping data.
Varis collects, harvests and analyzes OSNIT, surface, deep and dark web data. Utilizing complex queries, AI algorithms and deep learning to improve search result accuracy.

The following section highlights the style guide and design system elements that were utilized to create the VARIS product for ReconGate.












VARIS 32px
Console 24px
Data Portal 16px
Body text 14 px
Design a web intelligence application for collecting, harvesting and analyzing open source intelligence (OSNIT), law enforcement databases, search engines, news sites (surface web), social networks, blogs, forums, (deep web), Geo positioning tracking data (e.g. cellphone check-ins) and hidden malicious hacker content (dark web) data. Make application learn from user input and usage.

Main Use Case – Enable an analyst to collect data using a virtual avatar (social media profile) to search the web and collect, decipher, analyse and display image and textual data.
The analyst performs the task of collecting data by utilising simple and complex search queries, machine learning and deep learning (AI) to improve result accuracy through product usage.
Method – Perform a series of in-depth interviews with a broad range of experienced and novice data analysts as well as their managers.
Interview Objective – Ascertain their main requirements, points of friction and difficulty when gathering and deciphering data.
We created an incentive based interactive gamified process where analysts would perform day to day tasks on the system in the shortest amount of time possible and with a high level of accuracy.
Then, we work out how to streamline and shorten the task time.

In addition to creating the full UI/UX product design I also authr the product user guide as a complete package. Good documentation enables users to get maximum use and value out of the product.
A product is used for approvimately 20% features only. Thus, a good quality product must also have great documntation that focuses on accuracy, clarity, completeness, consistency, relevance, and usability.

Good UX design is at the heart of UXTOPIA. Our focus is on understanding users and ensuring their journey through your product is both functional and pleasurable. The aim is to enhance the user experience and create a seamless interaction between users and the product.
The investigation tile displays the collection data for a specific collection task or set of collection tasks. The gauge highlights the collection accuracy according to the amount of online data available versus the amount successfully collected, the content sources and the predominant language of the data collected.
I chose to display these KPIs as they are the most important items that the analyst manager needs to track to ensure that the investigations are going according to the agreed trajectory.