Sagittarius occurs on the Hebrew month of Kislev. It is the central column of the fire signs, ruled by Jupiter (Tzedek).

The wisdom gained by reflecting on your astronomical chart will help you realise your inner potential, gain profound self-awareness, and receive invaluable guidance for effective communication.
Each of us is blessed with unique gifts and challenged by specific obstacles that are intricately tied to the astronomical sign under which we were born. These signs, rooted in the sacred teachings of Kabbalistic astronomy (mazalot), serve as spiritual compasses, illuminating the obstacles we must transcend and unveiling our sacred life purpose. The ultimate aim is to empower yourself to rise above the celestial influences and seize control over the direction of your life.
The Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in history occurs, we can better understand why it happened.
Keshet ( Sagittarius) corresponds to the Hebrew month of Kislev. It is the central column of the fire signs, ruled by Jupiter (in Hebrew “Tzedek”), and the Hebrew letters Samech and Gimel. The letter Samech created the sign of Sagittarius, and comes from the phrase Somech noflim (supporting the fallen). In the Zohar, the article called “The Letters of Rev Hamnung Saba” says that the Hebrew letters came before the Creator to ask that the world be created beginning with each one.
When the letter Samech came before the Creator, the Creator told it to go back to its place, which is after the letter Nun, and to support the Nun from falling. That is how we get the word nes (miracle). The letter Nun created the sign of Scorpio in which the Flood happened, and after the Flood, God put the rainbow in the sky as an omen that there would never be a flood again.
Those born during Kislev (Sagittarius), possess a unique blend of creativity, resilience, and spiritual depth. Influenced by Hanukkah, they embody the ability to find light in darkness and inspire hope in others. Kislev-born individuals often exhibit a passionate pursuit of knowledge and adventure, fueled by their optimistic outlook and love for festivities. They excel in fostering connections and bringing warmth to their communities through their innovative and compassionate nature.
Personality Traits
People born in the month of Kislev are associated with the following personality traits:
Optimism and Hope: Kislev is the month of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which symbolizes hope and the triumph of light over darkness. Individuals born in Kislev often possess a naturally optimistic outlook and a hopeful spirit, able to see the positive side of situations and inspire others with their positivity.
Resilience and Perseverance: The story of Hanukkah involves overcoming great odds, reflecting the resilience and perseverance of those born in Kislev. They are often determined and able to persist through challenges, showing strength and tenacity in the face of adversity.
Spiritual Insight and Faith: Kislev is a time of miracles and divine intervention, which imbues individuals born in this month with strong spiritual insight and faith. They often have a deep connection to their spirituality and are inclined to seek out and recognize the miraculous in everyday life.
Creativity and Innovation: The creative miracle of the Hanukkah oil lasting eight days instead of one symbolizes innovation and creativity. Those born in Kislev often have a creative streak, approaching problems with innovative solutions and thinking outside the box.
Charisma and Warmth: As Hanukkah is a festive and joyous holiday, people born in Kislev tend to be charismatic and warm. They often have an inviting and friendly demeanor, making them enjoyable to be around and able to easily form and maintain social connections.
Generosity and Altruism: The giving of Hanukkah gifts and the sharing of light reflect a generous spirit. Individuals born in Kislev are typically generous and altruistic, always ready to help others and share their blessings.
Adventurousness and Courage: The Maccabean Revolt, commemorated during Hanukkah, symbolizes bravery and courage. People born in Kislev are often adventurous and courageous, willing to take risks and explore new territories, both physically and intellectually.
Adaptability and Flexibility: Kislev often falls during the transition from autumn to winter, a time of changing weather and conditions. Those born in this month are adaptable and flexible, able to adjust to new circumstances and thrive in various environments.
Inner Strength and Resolve: The enduring light of the Hanukkah menorah represents inner strength. Individuals born in Kislev possess a strong inner resolve and are often able to stay true to their values and beliefs, even in challenging times.
These traits highlight a combination of optimism, resilience, creativity, and generosity, making individuals born in Kislev well-equipped to spread light and positivity in their surroundings. Their spiritual insight, adaptability, and inner strength contribute to their ability to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and fortitude.
The Cosmic Energy of the Month
Sagittarius in Hebrew is called Keshet, or rainbow. Keshet is represented by the centaur, the mythological half-man, half-horse figure who hunts with a bow and arrow. The figure represents the struggle within the heart between good and evil.
Those born in Kislev (Keshet) are prone to over-optimism, exaggeration, mockery, gambling and light-headedness. They are natural philosophers, teachers, lovers, communicators, and friends. They like to travel, they love their freedom and space, and they are interested in world exploration, as well as the study of human behavior, culture and religion. They share their knowledge with whoever seeks it. They love life and can be quite mischievous children.
Because Sagittarius is the central column (air element) of the fire signs, it has the additional influence of air. Air fuels the fire and enables it to grow and expand, this is why Sagittarius can be a channel for any job in communication that combines knowledge with humanity.
Point of Reflection
Sagittarians are adventurous people who make excellent drivers (even race car drivers!) and pilots. They love sports and challenge their destiny by taking unnecessary risks. Everything they do is on a large scale, with the help of Jupiter, which expands the Sagittarian’s mind in business, social, and romantic endeavours.
The Jewish calendar’s association of each month with a zodiac sign and a tribe of Israel is deeply rooted in Jewish mysticism, tradition, and symbolism. This system reflects the interconnectedness of time, spirituality, and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
According to the Kabbalah, each month is linked to one of the twelve zodiac signs, which have divine influence. Each zodiac sign symbolizes specific qualities and energies that are particularly potent during its corresponding month.
Tribes of Israel
Each of the twelve months is also associated with one of the twelve tribes of Israel, corresponding to the twelve sons of Jacob. These tribes represent different aspects of the Jewish collective soul and the divine attributes (Sefirot). Each tribe has unique characteristics and a particular spiritual mission, which aligns with the energy of the corresponding month.
This system blends astronomy, theology, and Jewish tradition to offer spiritual guidance and cultural continuity. It provides meaning and direction, reflecting the holistic nature of Jewish spirituality and its cosmic perspective.
Fire Element
Plant Jupiter
(Victory, Confidence, Sleep)
Coconut Harvest
Cranberry Harvest
Pomegranate Harvest
Sow pears and grains
Keshet (800 Numerical Value)
The rainbow appeared after the Great Flood at the end of Chashvan.
Till and cultivate during this month. Plant onions. Weed and prune to limit growth. Harvest crops for maximum keeping qualities. Sow vegetable seedlings. Limit planting.
A person born during Kislev is ruled by the legs. Dedicated to finding the truth. These individuals need a philosophy to follow as they meander through life.
Freedom is important. They love to travel and feel at home in both the city and the country.
The practice of Yoga can be invaluable, especially postures in which the feet are raised.
The Sefer Yetzirah, or “Book of Creation” is one of the earliest works of Jewish mysticism, particularly within the Kabbalistic tradition.
Ten Sefirot
The Sefer Yetzirah introduces the concept of the Ten Sefirot, which are fundamental to Kabbalistic cosmology. These Sefirot are seen as ten attributes or emanations through which G-d interacts with the world. They are often described as both numbers and divine attributes.
Twenty-Two Hebrew Letters
The Sefer Yetzirah explains the importance of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which it divides into three categories: three “mother” letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven “double” letters (Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav), and twelve “simple” letters. These letters are seen as the building blocks of creation, used by God to form the universe.
According to the “Sepher Yetzirah“, the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that G-d used to create the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us.

LETTERS OF THE MONTH – Samech and Gimel
Kislev is the month of Hanukkah, the festival of lights. The letter Samech represents support and protection, echoing the themes of miraculous survival and divine support. The letters for the month of Kislev are Samech and Gimel.
Samech created the constellation of Sagittarius and represents encouragement and support. The letter is shaped like a circle and represents the all-encompassing energy, love and beneficence of G-d. The letter can also be viewed as a combination of the Hebrew letters Caf and Vav, the numerical value of which is 26, the same as the tetragrammaton, G-d’s holiest name. As a result of its ability to render support, Samech was placed in the Hebrew alphabet immediately following the letter Nun – which represents falling.
The letter Gimel created the planet Jupiter which rules over the month of Kislev. Gimel and Jupiter represent sharing, abundance and good fortune. Like Jupiter, the largest and only planet in our solar system that continues to grow, Gimel has the essence of growing, sharing and revealing Light. When taken together, Samech and Gimel represent the combined energy of G-d sharing additional support and helping us to create miracles in Kislev.
Days of Connection in Kislev
The first and most well-known connection in Kislev is Chanukah, a minor holiday, which commences on the 25th of Kislev and runs for 8 nights. Two miracles occurred during the period of Chanukah which means “dedication”. First, a small army of Hasmoneans (aka Maccabees), staged a revolt against the Greek King Antiochus who had made the observance of Jewish laws and customs illegal and turned the Temple into a pagan shrine. During the revolt, Judah the Maccabee and his small group or fighters successfully regained control of Israel and the Temple. When the Maccabees went to rededicate the Temple in the aftermath of the revolt, they only found 1-vile of pure oil needed to light the Temple menorah. Instead of burning for only 1-night, the oil burned for 8 nights, the reason we celebrate for 8-nights and light the Hanukiyah – an 8-branched menorah.
On the 19th of Kislev 5559, Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, a disciple to the Megid of Mezritch (the successor to the Baal Shem Tov) and founder of the Chabad movement, was miraculously acquitted and released from his death sentence in Czarist Russia. Instead of the mysteries and secrets of the Torah remaining imprisoned and lost with his death, the Alter Rebbe’s release during Kislev ensured that the wisdom of Chasidut and the power to infuse Torah wisdom into our daily lives was made available to the masses.
In Jewish astronomy and Kabbalah, the ruling planets are significant influencers of the spiritual and physical characteristics of time periods and individuals.
These planets are not just astronomical bodies but also spiritual entities that convey divine energy. Their influence can shape the spiritual atmosphere of a month and the innate characteristics of individuals. The interplay between these planetary influences and other Kabbalistic concepts, such as the Sefirot, contributes to a holistic understanding of personality and destiny within the framework of Jewish mysticism.

RULiNG PLANET – Tzedek (Jupter)
The letter Gimel created Jupiter, which controls expansion. Jupiter represents the desire to learn, to know, and the fields of science, biology, education, art and music.
Planets Attributes
Expansion, growth, optimism, luck, and benevolence. Jupiter brings a sense of abundance, wisdom, and generosity, fostering a positive outlook and spiritual growth.
Birth Qualities of Tzedek
Jupiter is the planet of success, miracles, expansion of the metaphysical vessel, and extension of our spiritual ability. It provides us with the ability to see and understand beyond our five senses.
In Jewish tradition, there are specific associations between gemstones and each of the twelve Hebrew months.
In the Torah (Exodus 28:15-21), there is a description of the Breastplate (Choshen) worn by the High Priest (Kohen Gadol), which contained twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones are mentioned as part of the priestly garments and represent the different aspects of the tribes and their virtues.

BiRTH STONE – Jasper – Red/Orange
Binyamin’s stone was a Jasper – yaspeh, which may be red, black or green. The Jasper is good to stop bleeding and it was given to Binyamin because his heart changed to many nuances and he thought many thoughts regarding the sale of Yosef- whether to tell his father about it or not.
In the end, he overcame his urge and didn’t reveal the matter to his father. The name of this stone is contracted from two Hebrew words yesh peh – there is a mouth. This alludes to Binyamin’s virtue that although he had a mouth, he remained silent and didn’t reveal the sale of Yosef.
Jasper helps unite the subconscious with self-awareness. It affects the abdominal area and may relieve pain.
Jasper Qualities
Jasper’s provies; Grounding, protection, strength, emotional healing, creativity, and spiritual connection.
- Jasper strengthens grounding and stabilizing energy, helping individuals to feel more balanced and centred
- Nurturing and protective qualities
- Protecting against negative energies and harmful influences.
- Enhances inner strength and courage
- Instils a sense of confidence and empowerment
- Calming and soothing effect on the emotions
- Stimulates creativity and inspires new ideas
- Facilitate inner growth and transformation

The month of Kislev (Sagittarius) is a positive month and is known as the month of miracles. Kabbalists share that the energy of the month allows us to create or draw down the essence of miracles into our lives, the manifestation of which occur throughout the year. It is important to understand that the two miracles of Chanukah – the defeat of the large Greek army by the Maccabees and the burning of a single vial of oil for eight days – happened because the universe is open to miracles during this time period, as opposed to Kislev being the month of miracles because of Chanukah. Chanukah is an effect – as opposed to the cause of miracles found in Kislev. Kabbalist Rav Brandwein explained miracles by expanding on the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov. He stated that “the creator behaves towards us as we behave” meaning that miracles are part of our physical realm and we simply need to have certainty in our actions in order to to access this energy.
When we believe it, we’ll see it. Also, when we appreciate all that we have (as opposed to worrying about what we don’t), we activate the power of appreciation. When we are filled with joy from appreciating what we have, there is no room to be sad or anxious about the future. Sagittarius is a fire sign and those born under the sign typically have a great fire within. They are always seeking a challenge and are often risk takers. The word Kislev, from the word Kesef, means “security” or “trust”. When you have the sense of security or trust in the Light, you connect to certainty and the realm of miracles. The word Sagittarius in Hebrew is from the word Keshet, which means rainbow. We learn from the Zohar that a rainbow is a force which provides balance and central column energy.
The rainbow has all of the colors of the spectrum and historically served as a symbol of hope and renewal by marking the end of the Great Flood. Kabbalists also share that each month is associated to a specific sense, Kislev is connected to the sense of “sleep’. When you place your trust in G-d or the Light to access miracles, you are in a dream state similar to that experienced during sleep. It is interesting to note that all 10 references in the Torah to dreams are read during the month of Kislev. With certainty and appreciation we are able to connect to the energy of miracles.
A time of Miracles, Greatness, Purity, Equality and Divine judgement.
During the month of Kislev plant Leeks and Onions.
Harvest autumn crops. Clean out the garden plot thoroughly.
Time to give the soil a dose of fertilizer, especially if manure is used.
A day of miracles.
Use this period to add fertilizer to your garden and prune back your trees and shrubs before winter.
Tilling the soil is a necessity. Add mulch if desired to keep moisture during winter months, making the soil easier to work with in spring.
The most important days in Sagittarius are the days of Chanukah, which begins on the 24th of Kislev and ends on the 2nd of Tevet. We light Chanukah candles to connect to the miracle that happened in the time of the Hasmoneans (also known as the Maccabees), when one day’s worth of oil burned for eight days in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
This amazing example of “mind over matter” took place because of the two letters that control this month; Gimel whose essence is Gomel Dalim (rewarding the poor), and the letter Samech, which created the month of Kislev. These conditions, together with the metaphysical actions that the Hasmoneans did, brought about this miracle that happened 2,000 years ago. We are subject to the very same conditions every year on the 24th day of the month of Sagittarius. This energy is revealed again for eight days and offers us the opportunity to create tremendous miracles in our lives.
Chanukah commemorates the victory of the Maccabees, a Jewish rebel army, over the oppressive Seleucid rulers led by Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
One of the central themes of Chanukah is the miracle of the oil. According to tradition, when the Maccabees reclaimed the Temple, they found only enough oil to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days until new, ritually pure oil could be prepared. This miracle is celebrated by lighting the Chanukah menorah over eight nights, adding one candle each night until all eight are lit.
Chanukah is a celebration of religious freedom and Jewish identity. It commemorates the Maccabees’ resistance against religious oppression and their determination to preserve Jewish tradition and faith. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom and the resilience of the Jewish people in the face of adversity.
Beyond its historical context, Chanukah represents the ongoing battle between light and darkness, both on a personal and cosmic level. The victory of the Maccabees over the forces of oppression symbolizes the triumph of spiritual truth over spiritual darkness. Lighting the menorah is seen as a symbolic act of dispelling darkness and spreading divine light in the world.
Chanukah is viewed as an opportunity for inner transformation and spiritual growth. It’s a time for introspection, prayer, and meditation, as well as for performing acts of kindness and charity. The mystical teachings of Chanukah emphasize the importance of cultivating virtues such as faith, courage, and perseverance in the face of adversity.
Understanding these traits and tailoring your interactions accordingly can help foster positive relationships with individuals of each mazal.
Happy-natured, easy-going, open to learning from experiences, daring, likes challenges, intellectual, honest, forgiving, lucky.
Self-development, going beyond limits, rising to meet new challenges.
The challenge is more important than the purpose of the challenge.
Stop and visualize the next step beyond the challenge. Learn to see if the challenge is worth taking on.
Extremely self-critical and guilt-ridden if not successful.
We are destined to fall from time to time so that we can learn valuable lessons – When you do fall short of the mark, ask yourself what lesson the Light is trying to teach you.
Undiplomatic, direct, not sensitive to others – As you treat others, so the Light will treat you.
False certainty, thinking the light will take care of everything.
While the Light is always there to guide you, it is up to you to put in the effort. The Light helps those who help themselves.
Loves change, no commitment.
When you are ready to change the scenery, ask yourself if what you’re going towards is as good as what you’re leaving behind.
- Sees the whole picture, but not details. – Pay attention to the details and learn to commit to specific tasks and objectives .
- Realizing that the ultimate challenge is being sensitive to others.
- Slow down
- Don’t be hurt by their frankness. They mean you no harm.
- Appeal to their logic and sense of justice.
- Help them focus on all aspects of a situation, not just the thrill of being involved.
Fire Element
Assertion, Drive, Willpower
Air Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Earth Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Water Element
Emotion, Empathy, Sensitivity