Scorpio, corresponds to Mar-Cheshvan, which is the Left column water sign, and is ruled by the planet Mars (Ma’adim).

The wisdom gained by reflecting on your astronomical chart will help you realise your inner potential, gain profound self-awareness, and receive invaluable guidance for effective communication.
Each of us is blessed with unique gifts and challenged by specific obstacles that are intricately tied to the astronomical sign under which we were born. These signs, rooted in the sacred teachings of Kabbalistic astronomy (mazalot), serve as spiritual compasses, illuminating the obstacles we must transcend and unveiling our sacred life purpose. The ultimate aim is to empower yourself to rise above the celestial influences and seize control over the direction of your life.
The Kabbalah teaches us that the course of history transpires as a result of the cyclical energy processes of the year rather than because of physical events. Therefore, by looking at the time at which each moment in history occurs, we can better understand why it happened.
Acrav (Scorpio), the Hebrew month of Mar-Cheshvan, is the Left column water sign, and is ruled by the planet Mars (Ma’adim) and the celestial body Pluto.
The Book of Formation speaks of seven planets in the solar system of which the planet Mars was identified as Acrav’s (Scorpio’s) ruling planet.
Those born during Cheshvan (Scorpio), are known for their patient and contemplative nature. Influenced by the absence of holidays in this month, they often exhibit a quiet strength and a deep appreciation for stability. Their birthdays align with a time of transition and reflection, highlighting their ability to navigate challenges with a steady and grounded approach, fostering endurance and practicality.
Personality Traits
People born in the month of Cheshvan are associated with the following personality traits:
Resilience and Strength: Cheshvan, sometimes called “Mar-Cheshvan” (bitter Cheshvan) due to its lack of holidays, symbolizes a time of endurance. Individuals born in this month often exhibit strong resilience and inner strength, able to handle adversity and challenges with grace.
Introspection and Depth: With no major holidays, Cheshvan can be seen as a quieter, more reflective month. Those born in Cheshvan tend to be introspective and thoughtful, often delving deeply into their thoughts and emotions. They are known for their depth of character and profound understanding of themselves and others.
Patience and Perseverance: The quiet nature of Cheshvan fosters patience and perseverance. People born in this month often show great determination and are willing to work steadily towards their goals, even when progress is slow or obstacles arise.
Loyalty and Dependability: Individuals born in Cheshvan are usually very loyal and dependable. They value their relationships and commitments highly, often going to great lengths to support and stand by their loved ones.
Practicality and Realism: The absence of holidays makes Cheshvan a practical, work-focused month. Those born in Cheshvan are typically practical and realistic, preferring to deal with life’s challenges in a straightforward, pragmatic manner. They are often well-grounded and focused on practical solutions.
Sensitivity and Empathy: Despite their resilience, people born in Cheshvan can be quite sensitive and empathetic. They are attuned to the feelings of others and can offer compassionate support and understanding, making them excellent friends and confidants.
Mystical Inclination: Cheshvan is associated with the Great Flood in the Torah, which has deep mystical significance. Those born in this month may have a natural inclination towards spirituality and mysticism, often seeking deeper meaning and purpose in their lives.
Creativity and Innovation: The quieter, introspective nature of Cheshvan can foster creativity. Individuals born in this month may have a strong creative streak, using their reflective nature to come up with innovative ideas and solutions.
Adaptability and Flexibility: The ability to handle a “bitter” month with no holidays reflects adaptability. People born in Cheshvan are often flexible and adaptable, able to adjust to changing circumstances and make the best of different situations.
These traits highlight a blend of resilience, introspection, loyalty, and practicality, making individuals born in Cheshvan well-equipped to handle life’s challenges while maintaining deep and meaningful relationships. Their strength, sensitivity, and creativity contribute to their ability to navigate and thrive in various aspects of life.
Focusing your Energy
All water signs are emotional, but Scorpios are particularly irrational when it comes to their emotions. They go to extremes, in both positive and negative respects. There is only black and white in the world of the Scorpio; no gray areas. If you are not their friend, then you are by default their enemy, and you will most definitely be treated that way.
As the Left Column of the water signs, Scorpios have a tremendous desire for power and control, and seek these at any cost. They do not waver, they do not falter, and they stay their course with total determination and strength, which can sometimes result in unnecessary force and violence.
Acrav (Scorpio) is a fixed sign, which means that they do not like change and want total control over their lives and the lives of those around them. Their greatest fear is to lose control.
In the Scorpio world of extremes, love is everything. If they feel their love is not reciprocated, this love can turn into hate. It is very difficult for Scorpios to forgive and forget. The typical Scorpio will not rest until he has his revenge. This is the hardest Tikun (correction) of Scorpios – to control the urge to avenge, and instead to live, love and let go.
Scorpios are very good business people. They like money because it gives them control and power. They are very good politicians, doctors, physiologists, astrologers, and financiers. They have a powerful intuition, along with strong mystical and spiritual powers. If a Scorpio chooses a life of crime, they can end up being the most lethal and ruthless members of their crime family.
The influence of the Air element also makes justice a very important quality within the Scorpios. Whenever they run into injustice they will react emotionally (Water). Meaning, they should be careful since they could easily fall into rage and vengeance and let those feelings control them.
The Cosmic Energy of the Month
Cheshvan is associated with the Great Flood in the Torah, which has deep mystical significance. Those born in this month may have a natural inclination towards spirituality and mysticism, often seeking deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. The quieter, introspective nature of Cheshvan can foster creativity. Individuals born in this month may have a strong creative streak, using their reflective nature to come up with innovative ideas and solutions.
The ability to handle a “bitter” month with no holidays reflects adaptability. People born in Cheshvan are often flexible and adaptable, able to adjust to changing circumstances and make the best of different situations.
These traits highlight a blend of resilience, introspection, loyalty, and practicality, making individuals born in Cheshvan well-equipped to handle life’s challenges while maintaining deep and meaningful relationships. Their strength, sensitivity, and creativity contribute to their ability to navigate and thrive in various aspects of life.
Point of Reflection
The Scorpios, dominated by the water element, are also characterized with obsessive sharing with a clear purpose – controlling others; that has a very high price. Such sharing is considered as a spiritual crime (Idol Worshiping), since the moment we share with the intention of getting something in return and not with the intention of “love thy neighbour as thyself”, we break the first of The Ten Utterances (Known by mistake as The Ten Commandments) – “I am the LORD thy G-d”.
That kind of sharing is actually idolatry, since the moment we make the person we just helped (his reaction) as the reason and the cause for the way we feel we actually put another God before the Creator.
The Jewish calendar’s association of each month with a zodiac sign and a tribe of Israel is deeply rooted in Jewish mysticism, tradition, and symbolism. This system reflects the interconnectedness of time, spirituality, and the cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
According to the Kabbalah, each month is linked to one of the twelve zodiac signs, which have divine influence. Each zodiac sign symbolizes specific qualities and energies that are particularly potent during its corresponding month.
Tribes of Israel
Each of the twelve months is also associated with one of the twelve tribes of Israel, corresponding to the twelve sons of Jacob. These tribes represent different aspects of the Jewish collective soul and the divine attributes (Sefirot). Each tribe has unique characteristics and a particular spiritual mission, which aligns with the energy of the corresponding month.
This system blends astronomy, theology, and Jewish tradition to offer spiritual guidance and cultural continuity. It provides meaning and direction, reflecting the holistic nature of Jewish spirituality and its cosmic perspective.
Fire Element
Planet Mars
Hunger for Success
Emotional/Selfish Character
Self Destruction
Obsessive Sharing
(Kindness, Love, Smell)
Sowing Grains
Olive Harvest
Productive light rainshowers
Scorpio (372 Numeric Value)
This is the best month for planting seed or grafting, pruning for growth. Plant root crops.
The law given to Moshe, the receiving of the calendar. The full moons and incomplete months calculations for the year.
A person born during Cheshvan is ruled by the reproductive organs. The strongest sign of the zodiac is intelligent, passionate, willful, worldy and read for anything. Scorpios have a plan, backup plan and a contingency plan.
Because it is important for them to maintain a vital core, concern should be given to eating nutritionally dense foods.
Sweet potatoes, beetroot (beets), swiss chard and kale as well as pastured meats should be consumed regularly.
The Sefer Yetzirah, or “Book of Creation” is one of the earliest works of Jewish mysticism, particularly within the Kabbalistic tradition.
Ten Sefirot
The Sefer Yetzirah introduces the concept of the Ten Sefirot, which are fundamental to Kabbalistic cosmology. These Sefirot are seen as ten attributes or emanations through which G-d interacts with the world. They are often described as both numbers and divine attributes.
Twenty-Two Hebrew Letters
The Sefer Yetzirah explains the importance of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which it divides into three categories: three “mother” letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven “double” letters (Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav), and twelve “simple” letters. These letters are seen as the building blocks of creation, used by God to form the universe.
According to the “Sepher Yetzirah“, the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that G-d used to created the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us.

Cheshvan is a month without holidays, often referred to as “Mar-Cheshvan” (bitter Cheshvan). The letter Nun (נ) symbolizes downfall but also the potential for miraculous salvation and growth. The letters for the month of Cheshvan are Dalet and Nun.
Dalet created the Planet Mars and comes from the Hebrew word Dalut – or poverty. When a person feels lack or poverty, they have a tendency to have a hunger for power and desire to achieve and accomplish – qualities of those born under the sign of Scorpio in Cheshvan.
The combination of those letters (Dan – the root of the word Din – Judgement) teaches about the essence of the month. The name of the letter Dalet comes from Dalut (poverty in Hebrew) and lack, and the one who feels that way will always be ready for a fight. These people will always have the hunger for power and for achievements, very motivated to succeed cold blooded warriors with a tendency toward cruelty. Those qualities give the Scorpio’s their creativity, passion and magnetic presence that could not be ignored.
According to Kabbalah the letter Nun indicates for downfall (the crash of the stock markets). Indeed, the Scorpios tend to get into states of downfall, destruction and devastation. While doing so the emotional pain could be so strong that they could have suicidal tendencies. That happens because of their powerful intensity that comes to fruition in everything they do, when they focus on something they go all the way with it. That is why when they focus on “darkness” there is no place for any light or hope.
The letter Nun created the constellation of Scorpio and symbolizes falling, connecting to the word Nefilah – to fall. It is within the act of falling that we are able to rise again, letting us know we must always face challenges head on in life. When taken together, Dalet and Nun spell Din, which means judgement. When judgement is combined with the mercy and Light received through the water from the flood, we can experience great amounts of healing and protection.
Days of Connection in Cheshvan
The month of Cheshvan has no holidays or fast days. In many writings it is called Mar Cheshvan, the bitter Cheshvan – connecting it to the disasters which occurred during the month including the great flood and the splitting of Solomon’s kingdom. The key is to take the energy received during the holidays in the prior month of Tishrei and use that energy to maintain our certainty and our ability to achieve and accomplish whatever we desire, despite the “bitterness” and perceived lack of Light during the month of Cheshvan.
Convert the darkness and perceived bitter attributes of the month by infusing judgement with mercy.
In Jewish astronomy and Kabbalah, the ruling planets are significant influencers of the spiritual and physical characteristics of time periods and individuals.
These planets are not just astronomical bodies but also spiritual entities that convey divine energy. Their influence can shape the spiritual atmosphere of a month and the innate characteristics of individuals. The interplay between these planetary influences and other Kabbalistic concepts, such as the Sefirot, contributes to a holistic understanding of personality and destiny within the framework of Jewish mysticism.

RULiNG PLANET – Ma’adim (Mars)
Mars, which rules the month of Scorpio, is the planet, which makes Scorpios warriors who have the drive to eliminate their enemy no matter what.
Planets Attributes
Energy, assertiveness, courage, and conflict. Mars’ influence can lead to strong willpower, determination, and a warrior spirit, but also potential for conflict and aggression.
Birth Qualities of Ma’adim
Mars rules action, courage, and assertiveness. It drives initiative, competitiveness, and the pursuit of goals. Mars embodies passion and vitality, urging assertiveness and vigour in facing challenges.
In Jewish tradition, there are specific associations between gemstones and each of the twelve Hebrew months.
In the Torah (Exodus 28:15-21), there is a description of the Breastplate (Choshen) worn by the High Priest (Kohen Gadol), which contained twelve gemstones, each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones are mentioned as part of the priestly garments and represent the different aspects of the tribes and their virtues.

BiRTH STONE – Onyx – Black
Yosef’s stone was a very black Onyx – Shoham. In Hebrew, this stone includes the letters that spell out the name of G-d, Hashem, because “Hashem was with Yosef, and he was a man of success, and He gave him grace in the eyes of the jail keeper” (Bereishit 39:2).
The property of the onyx is to bring grace. It is beneficial for finding favor in the eyes of all the people we meet. It is good to wear an onyx in the royal house. It will bring success and cause your word to be heeded.
The onyx balances male/female polarity, increases hormonal balance and self-control. It strengthens the ability to distinguish correctly and objectively and make intelligent decisions.
Onyx Qualities
Onyx’s provides; Potection, strength, balance, focus, self-confidence, and spiritual connection.
- Onyx provides protective qualities, shielding the wearer from negative energies and harmful influences
- Associated with strength and endurance
- Instils a sense of resilience and determination
- Promotes balance and harmony within the self
- Enhances mental focus and concentration
- Boosts self-confidence and self-control,
- Deepen one’s spiritual connection and facilitate inner growth and transformation

Mar-Cheshvan, in Hebrew means “bitter Cheshvan“. However, it can be transformed into Ram Cheshvan, which means “elevated Cheshvan”. Our job throughout the month, therefore, is to transform that which is bitter into sweet, that which is lowly into lofty. It takes a strong consciousness and self-control to achieve this transformation. It is not easy to make the dark forces completely white.
The month of Cheshvan is the 8th month of the Hebrew calendar and is symbolized by the astrological sign of Scorpio. Following the holiday-packed month of Tishrei, Cheshvan is often considered to be a dark month, lacking holidays and meaningful cosmic openings. Kabbalists share, however, that the greatest potential for light comes from darkness and Cheshvan is a great example. The name of the month, Marcheshvan, is an Aramaic word from Babylonia which literally means “eighth month”. The prefix “Mar”, which means bitter, was interpreted to allude to the lack of holidays during the month and to denote several bitter events that happened in Chesvan, most notably the great flood of Noach.
In modern times, many communities removed the association to “bitter” and simply refer to the month as Cheshvan. Kabbalists reveal several interesting insights in connection with the month. First, the flood was actually a positive event, whereby the deluge of water served as a cleansing force of mercy and chesed – cleansing the earth of chaos and corruption which were rampant at the time. Water acts as conduit and during Cheshvan serves to manifest the Light revealed during the holidays in the previous month of Tishrei. Accordingly, the new moon of Cheshvan serves as a seed of protection, similar to water surrounding a fetus in the womb or the healing waters of a mikveh. We can convert the energy of “Mar” and the bitterness associated with the flood, into that of healing and protection. Secondly, according to the Sefer Yetzirah, Abraham the Patriarch named the month Scorpio, or Akrav in Hebrew. Akrav is spelled Ayin, Kof, Resh, Bet. In the spelling we see the letters Ayin and Bet literally surrounding the Kof and Resh in the word. Ayin Bet has the numerical value of 72 – connecting us to the energy and protection of the 72 names of G-d. Kof Resh or Kar, means cold. We see how the word for Scorpio, has the 72 names surrounding and driving away the cold, similar to how the flood of water and spiritual mercy drove away the negativity and corruption during the time of Noach.
Sanctify the moon and its 19 year cycle, pray for rain at the proper time.
Cheshvan is the time for planting melon, Peanuts, Pumpkin, Squash and Sweet Potatoes.
Bless the new moon, welcome the shchina and strengthen your faith.
Plant Beans, Corn, Okra (bamya), Tomatoes, Cucumber, Eggplant and Luffa.
Plant Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Mustard, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radish and Swiss Chard.
Plant Broccoli, Cabbage, Collards, Kale, Peas, Spinach, Turnips, Beetroot and Carrots.
The Great Flood took place in the month of Scorpio. Noah’s generation was corrupt and God saw no other way but to destroy it completely with the flood. Only Noah, his family, and a pair of all of Earth’s creatures remained alive because of the protection provided by the Ark.
Scorpio tends to be a month of negative energy and one of the only months lacking in holidays. Scorpio is a good time to focus on negative patterns, the ill feelings we harbour, and the grudges that we may bear.
On Heshvan we run into all the tendencies and problems that we have not fix (Tikun – correction) on Tishrei.
The downfall into the bitterness that will accompany us during the whole year, facing shortcoming, is not pleasant. However, every time we deal with it, this is another gate we can pass through and toward victory and completeness.
Mar-Cheshvan, in Hebrew means “bitter Cheshvan“. However, it can be transformed into Ram Cheshvan, which means “elevated Cheshvan”. Our job throughout the month, therefore, is to transform that which is bitter into sweet, that which is lowly into lofty. It takes a strong consciousness and self-control to achieve this transformation. It is not easy to make the dark forces completely white.
If we overcome the natural tendency toward revenge, toward taking the law in our hands, toward giving people what they “deserve,” and focus on revealing more light in the world, we can thrive in this month.
Understanding these traits and tailoring your interactions accordingly can help foster positive relationships with individuals of each mazal.
Sharp, extremely intuitive, reliable, charismatic, honest, generous
Very Emotional
Scorpios are very emotional and take things too seriously – Learn to fear less and love more. That is the secret of letting go.
They are renowned for their jealously and sharp tongue.
What is the punishment for jealousy? Jealousy itself!
One thing that most people don’t know about Scorpios is that they are plagued with fears.
Instead of using mind games to mask the fear, be honest with yourself. Face your fears so you can get rid of them.
Scorpios have a talent for organization and are completely reliable. Unfortunately, there is a hook: they want to control you.
Controlling people is an exercise in futility. The only person you can truly control is yourself.
Hot one minute, cold the next.
Moderation, moderation, and moderation.
Scorpio tends to be a month of negative energy and one of the only months lacking in holidays. Scorpio is a good time to focus on negative patterns, the ill feelings we harbor, and the grudges that we may bear.
If we overcome the natural tendency toward revenge, toward taking the law in our hands, toward giving people what they “deserve,” and focus on revealing more light in the world, we can thrive in this month.
- Recognizing and accepting their fears
- Learning to trust people
- Fighting for a common goal (not a personal one)
- Letting go of negative past experiences
- Avoiding revenge
- Learning to forgive and give second chances
- Stay calm. Reacting to a Scorpio in crisis only puts them further in crisis
- Teach them with examples, not with logical explanations
- Find ways to build their self-esteem. Low self-image is the source of their aggressive behaviour.
Fire Element
Assertion, Drive, Willpower
Air Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Earth Element
Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization
Water Element
Emotion, Empathy, Sensitivity