Taurus is a fixed sign, ruled by Venus (Noga, in Hebrew), and the Hebrew letters Pei and Vav.

How to Read and Understand your Chart

The wisdom gained by reflecting on your astronomical chart will help you realise your inner potential, gain profound self-awareness, and receive invaluable guidance for effective communication.

Each of us is blessed with unique gifts and challenged by specific obstacles that are intricately tied to the astronomical sign under which we were born. These signs, rooted in the sacred teachings of Kabbalistic astronomy (mazalot), serve as spiritual compasses, illuminating the obstacles we must transcend and unveiling our sacred life purpose. The ultimate aim is to empower yourself to rise above the celestial influences and seize control over the direction of your life.

Taurus – The Second Lunar Sign

Taurus is a fixed sign, ruled by Venus (Noga, in Hebrew), and the Hebrew letters Pei and Vav. Taurus’ inner energy is fire, as it is the left column of the earth signs. Because Taurus is an earth sign, Taureans are in a constant search for stability. They are typically self-employed business owners, which places them in “control” of their money and property. Taureans have a very strong will to purchase and buy property, houses, land and real estate – all in order to support their need for security. Taureans are very capitalistic, jealous and possessive. They will frequently experience the loss of money to learn to let go of the physical world’s hold over their lives.

Taureans are talented doctors, astrologers, artists, chefs, singers, and of course, businesspeople. The Hebrew name for the month is Iyar, which stands for “Ani Hashem Rofecha” – “I am God, your Healer.” This offers us all the ability to awaken healing processes during this month.

Taurus is associated with the thyroid gland and the neck, best known by their “stiff-necked” stubbornness.

Taurians are typically very comfortable people, content with their relationships, possessions, finances and general well being. They are considered to be optimists and rarely, if ever, see bad intentions in others. They are content within the Light they receive. In order to break out of their comfort zones, the energy of judgement from Venus forces the Taurus to make decisions and judgments for the best outcome within situations they are presented, as opposed to being complacent within the Light. 

Letters of the Month – Pay and Vav

According to the “Sepher Yetzirah”, the Hebrew letters are spiritual frequencies that created the universe. A different Hebrew letter controls or influences the constellation and planet of the month. By connecting to these letters through meditation we can draw down specific energy to empower and enlighten us. The letters for the month of Iyar are Pei and Vav.

Pei created the planet of Venus and rules over the month of Iyar. The letter is shaped in such a way that it creates a “Bet” within it’s empty space – or conceals a Bet within it. This Bet is associated with the word “bracha” or blessing. The letter Vav created the constellation of Taurus. When taken together and meditated upon, Pei and Vav are used to connect us to the energy of healing in the month of Iyar.

Days of Connection in Iyar

Although the entire month of Iyar is within the 49-day, semi-mourning period of time called the Omer, Iyar contains several key days in which we can make additional connections to the Light. First, on Iyar 4 we have Yom Hazikaron, Memorial Day in Israel for the fallen soldiers from war and acts of terrorism. Immediately following on Iyar 5 is Yom Haatzmaut, Israeli Independence Day. The 14th of Iyar is Pesach Sheni, or the Second Passover. This day was created when the Israelites asked Moses and Aaron when to celebrate for the Pesach sacrifice missed by those who became ritually unclean from contact with dead bodies. The day assigned was Iyar 14 and is celebrated by many people by eating matza and maror at a mini-seder.

The 18th of Iyar always coincides with L’ag B’omer, the 33rd day of the Omer and death anniversary of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi). L’ag B’omer is the only time during the Omer where it is ok to celebrate – either by (1) commemorating the Rashbi, the Holy mystic and author of the Zohar; (2) celebrating the day on which the plague which befell Rabbi Akiva’s 24,000 students ended; or (3) by remembering the Bar Kochba revolt by the Jews against the Romans in 132 AD. We end the month of Iyar with Yom Yerushalayim on Iyar 28,

Ruling Planet – Venus

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the enchanting planet that governs love, beauty, and money. Taurus’s Venusian influence make this earth sign the most sensual of the zodiac: These cosmic oxen are enchanted by any physical manifestation of comfort and luxury.

Birth Qualities of Venus

Those person’s born under this star will be charming, beautiful, happy and enjoy luxury, romance, love, physical attraction, creativity, and aesthetics. It holds influence over various aspects of life and is often regarded as the pinnicle of Happiness.

Birth Stone – Sapphire – Blue

Yissaschar’s stone was a Sapphire – sapir, the color of techelet (sky-blue). The masters of Torah are known to be bound with the bundle of life under the throne of glory made from sapphire, as it states, “The appearance of the sapphire resembles the throne (Yechezkiel 1:26).

This sky-blue color is not the color of arrogance like red or green. Rather, it is the color of humility- good for young as well as old people. The sapphire strengthens the light of the eyes. Therefore, it is good to pass it over the eyes. It also helps counteract pain and swelling any place in the body. Likewise, the Torah heals the entire body, as our sages said, “If his body hurts he should occupy himself with Torah” (Iruvin 54a). Kings wore the sapphire stone in order to protect them from jealousy and injury.

The sapphire improves ones mood and relieves pressure. It increases intuition and creates balance, wisdom and stability. One who wears it will talk from within, with higher, inner wisdom.

Sapphire Qualities

Sapphire provides; Wisdom, intuition, truth, protection, emotional healing, and spiritual connection.

  • Sapphire is associated with wisdom and mental clarity. It stimulates the mind and enhances cognitive abilities
  • Enhances intuition and promote spiritual insight
  • Associated with truth and integrity, encouraging honesty and authenticity
  • Shields the wearer from negative energies and harm
  • Provides calming and soothing energy, promoting emotional healing and well-being
  • Associated with spiritual enlightenment and divine connection


Month of Iyar

Earth Element
Planet Venus
Light (Power)
Spiritual Perception
Good Mood

Tribe of Yisaschar

(Understanding, Joy, Thought)
General Harvest
Wheat Harvest
Flower Planting
Medicinal plant sowing
Period of healing

Shor (506 Numeric Value)
Ahavat Chinam (Free Love)

Transpant during this month for hardy plants. Sow seed crops, plant shrubs and trees for strong, hardy plants.

Iyar – Taurus (Shor)

A person born during the month of Iyar is ruled by the throat and neck. Many people born under this sign have beautiful voices. They often like scaves and necklaces, They are the eathiest sign. If germs appear around them they usually attack the throat first. Gargling with warm salt water when arising can vastly improve and maintain their health.

Taurians are found of comfort, keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

The Month of Iyar

The month of Iyar is connected to the astrological sign of Taurus. Kabbalists explain that Iyar (Aleph, Yud, Yud Resh) is an acronym for Ani Hashem Rofecha – I am G-d your healer. Through this connection to healing, we can hopefully realize that healing is within each of us. We have the ability, through meditating on the Letters of the Month and by maintaining absolute certainty in the Light, to connect to the unadultered self – free of disease and any physical issues that we face. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, the Roman goddess for love and beauty. The Hebrew word for Venus is “nogah” which means light and the month is also called the “Month of Light”. It is interesting to note that Venus, unlike all the other planets in the solar system, rotates clockwise, from left to right – or from the side of judgement to mercy. We can learn from this that during the month of Iyar Taurians have the opportunity fuse the energy of light and judgment – converting the desire to receive for the self alone into the desire to receive in order to share.

Taurians are typically very comfortable people, content with their relationships, possessions, finances and general well being. They are considered to be optimists and rarely, if ever, see bad intentions in others. They are content within the Light they receive. In order to break out of their comfort zones, the energy of judgement from Venus forces the Taurus to make decisions and judgments for the best outcome within situations they are presented, as opposed to being complacent within the Light.  

Week 1

A time of knowledge, yearning, confusion, sacrafice nd journeys. Iyar is the best time to plant cabbage, Onions, Peas, Carrots, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radishes and Beams (Snap).

Week 2

The 12 tribes of Israel, heavinly defense against enemies and journeys. Plant Beans (Runner) and Sweet Potatoes. 

Week 3

A time for rejoicing and celebrtion, new renewal. A time to build a fire of rememberance for Shimon Bar Yochai.

Week 4

Celebrating Jerusalem, unification wholeness and peace.

Significant Events of the Month

The entire month of Taurus falls during the period of Sefirat Haomer (the Counting of the Omer). During this time we count 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot, and each day gives us an opportunity to correct negative things we did in our past. These 49 days are seven times seven different levels of negativity, all leading up to the revelation on Mount Sinai and Immortality, accessed on Shavuot. It is a time in which we can earn the Light that we received on Pesach and prepare ourselves for freedom from all forms of endings – in relationships, business, health, and all aspects of life.

The Hebrew name for the month is Iyar, which stands for “Ani Hashem Rofecha” – “I am God, your Healer.” This offers us all the ability to awaken healing processes during this month.

The Seven Weeks

For seven weeks, from the second day of Passover to Shavuot, the Jewish people count the Omer, marking the passage of 49 days between these two holidays. Each day, we recite another blessing, as the counting of each day is its own mitzvah.



Second Passover

In Temple times, the Second Passover (Pesach Sheni) was observed by one who could not—by virtue of being impure or in a distant place—bring the Paschal offering during Passover. He was given a second chance to eat the sacrifice a month later on the night subsequent to 14 Iyar

Lag BaOmer

Before his death, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a 1st-century Talmudic sage, requested that his anniversary of passing be celebrated instead of mourned. He died on the 18th of Iyar in 160 CE,and that day, called Lag Baomer (33rd of the Omer), has been commemorated since. Lag BaOmer also marks the end of the plague that struck Rabbi Akiva’s students.

A Month of Healing

Iyar is the month of healing. This is where healing comes in. G_d says, “All the sicknesses . . . I will not place upon you, for I am the L‑rd who heals you.” In other words, G‑d is giving us preventative medicine—the ability to fight apathy and to experience our divine service with passion and excitement.

Assets of a Taurus

Loyal, consistent, patient, tolerant, dislikes conflict, friendly, non-judgmental

Main Motivation

“Don’t push – leave me alone.”

Challenges (and how to transform them):

Avoids changes involving self
Visualize negative consequences of not changing. Ask the Light to help create pressure to change within.

Runs Away from Pressure

Welcome the pressure. Great Light manifests through great stress.

Focused Strength

Stubborn, fixed, afraid of the pain of change.

Look for opportunities to change. Move away from set ways and listen to others more.


Own Comfort Comes First

Real comfort comes from being willing to be uncomfortable. Ask the Light for the strength to see the Light within the challenge.

Areas of Improvement

  • Loving themselves less and others more
  • Being more sensitive to the needs of others
  • Going out of their comfort zone to help others
  • Genuinely caring for another human being
  • Pushing themselves to fulfill their biggest desire
  • Thinking of global manifestation rather than security

Getting along with an Aries

  • Show love, affection, and empathy
  • Don’t push right away
  • Refer to the consequences of not changing
  • Keep the pressure on them
  • Help them to discover the illusionary comfort of physicality
  • Encourage and support change

Fire Element

Assertion, Drive, Willpower


Air Element

Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization

Earth Element

Communication, Socialization, Conceptualization

Water Element

Emotion, Empathy, Sensitivity

Tikun Haneshama (Soul Correction)

 The celestial bodies influence our lives and of entire nations upon the earth. The study of the celestial bodies’ energies based on recurring patterns that change by the hour, the week, month, year is essential for us to correct and improve ourselves.