(Tikkun Haneshama)
The signs of the Zodiac are not the cause of our personality traits; they are the effect. Our Hilla (aura) from previous lives determines which sign we are born under in order to acquire the necessary traits and attributes that will allow us to correct and transform into the best version of ourselves.
The patriarch Abraham was the first kabbalistic astronomer, some 3,800 years ago. He wrote a book known as Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Formation. Contained within it are all of the secrets of the universe, including the knowledge of astronomy and cosmology. Kabbalistic astronomy uses the Hebrew calendar, which takes into account the positions of both the sun, the moon and the stars.

ARIES (Tale) - NISAN - yehuda
Aries (Nisan), first of the fire signs, first sign in both the lunar and solar cycles. The first month of the year.
Aries marks the Israelite exile from Egypt, the beginning of the journey from slavery to salvation, from bondage to freedom and nationhood.

TAURUS (Shor) - IYAR - yisaschar
Taurus (Iyar), a fixed sign, ruled by Venus (Noga), and the Hebrew letters Pei and Vav.
Taurus’ inner energy is fire, as it is the left column of the earth signs. Because Taurus is an earth sign, Taureans are in a constant search for stability.

GEMINI (Teumim) - SIVAN - zevulun
Gemini (Sivan), third month of the Hebrew (lunar) year, and the central air sign.
The controlling planet is Mercury, in Hebrew – Kochav. Kochav’s numerical value is Caf Vav = 26 (the same numerical value as Yud Hei Vav Hei.

CANCER (Sartan) - TAMMUZ - Reuven
Cancer (Tammuz), one of the three “negative” months of the year. Cancer is controlled by the Moon.
Because the sun and the moon control one sign each, an unbalanced situation is created in each of these months.

The LEO (Arieh) - SHIMON - Av
Leo (Av), one of the three negative months. Leo is ruled by the sun, left column of the fire signs.
An added influence of fire, expressed as judgments – burning and consuming fire with no balance.

VIRGO (betula) - ELUL - gad
Virgo (Elul), the sixth month of the astronomical year. Virgo is an earth sign and is ruled by Mercury.
Virgo strive to be practical, work and serve others; people born in this month yearn financial security.

LIBRA (moznaim) - TISHREI - ephriam
Libra (Tishrei), the cardinal air sign and the seventh month of the astronomical year.
Libra is Mozna’aim (Scale in Hebrew) takes two opposite and different things and measure the difference between them.

SCORPIO (Acrav) - CHESHVAN - menashe
Scorpio (Cheshvan), left column water sign, ruled by the planet Mars (Ma’adim).
All water signs are emotional, but Scorpios are particularly irrational when it comes to their emotions.

SAGITTARIUS (Keshet) - KISLEV - benyamin
Sagittarius (Kislev), the central column of the fire signs, ruled by Jupiter (Tzedek).
The letter Samech created the sign of Sagittarius, and comes from the phrase Somech noflim (supporting the fallen).

Capricorn (Tevet), ruled by Saturn. Saturn represents law enforcement in the cosmos. You get what you deserve.
Saturn is responsible for distractions, diseases, death, imprisonment, poverty, disgrace, shame and the many other obstacles.

AQUARIUS (D'li) - SHVAT - asher
Aquarius (Shevat), an air sign. The third of the air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Aquarius represents the left column of the three. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and is the planet of judgment, order, responsibility, discipline and laws.

PISCES (Dagim) - ADAR - naftali
Pisces (Adar), the central column of the water signs, controlled by two planets, Jupiter and Neptune.
Pisces and Sagittarius. These two months, Adar and Kislev, are characterized by miracles that took place because of the energy of Jupiter.